Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 986: My Name

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zo is a low commander, King is in the top 3
As I said, scabbards have never shown any feats. Suddenly they are strong enough to wound Kaido. Lastly, I very well believe that Oda fucks this up because "muh hope" and "muh friendship"
Countering my argument that no fights since Enies Lobby were actually good except for maybe Katakuri's with making fun of me doesnt put you in a better spot.
Izo is a low commander?? how?? also did Izo defeat King??

Scabbards never shown any feats??...did you read??...what about the fight of Inu and Neko vs Jack for 5 days in Zou? What about Shutenmaru wounding Jack? they are ranging from low-mid veteran level to Yc3 level and you say they have no feats or portrayal??...
If Kinemon manages to wound Kaido, then I will agree with you but so far it hasn't happened....

it is same all over like "Kyros beheading Doflamingo"
Izo is a low commander?? how?? also did Izo defeat King??

Scabbards never shown any feats??...did you read??...what about the fight of Inu and Neko vs Jack for 5 days in Zou? What about Shutenmaru wounding Jack? they are ranging from low-mid veteran level to Yc3 level and you say they have no feats or portrayal??...
If Kinemon manages to wound Kaido, then I will agree with you but so far it hasn't happened....

it is same all over like "Kyros beheading Doflamingo"
Kaido seeing Oden gives me a heavy vibe that they'll injure him cause "he let his guard down"
Marco being able to stand up to King makes sense, Izo doesnt. Everyone and their kid in this shonen has been able to dodge bullets, even when being ambushed. To me this is a sign that he won't be showing much of a battle, especially considering Kawamatsu can hold him know...the guy who struggled against Kanjuro.
Jack's only noticable quality is that hes extremely durable, thats it. He is one of the slowest guys around, dodging and trying to counter his attacks that are slow as snails isnt impressive to me. And thats coming from someone who really likes Jack.
The reason why Im not shitting on Queen is that he atleast put Mama to sleep via Headbutt.


Pepebusi Spammer
Someone translated this panel with "We're not gonna the one started the war", and the panel move to the Scabbards attacking Kaido from behind. Which is for me its Luffy using Future Sight.

But, if its true, so Luffy using advance CoA and Future Sight in one chapter. So i guess we have to find out from the official release.


Life Is Good ✌️
It's One Piece.

I will be sceptical about them until this wole Wano Arc is over and the SHs have sailed on to the next island. If Yasu and Pedro still haven't returned by then, I will start to believe they are dead.

Younger people forget that the older readers have experienced this stuff over and over again.

Igaram - "died" in Whiskey Peak and then miraculously returned at the end of the Alabasta saga.
Pell - "died" in a nuke explosion and then miraculously returned at the end of the Alabasta saga.
Pagaya (Conis' dad) - "died" to Enel's huge ass lightning bolt and then returned at the end of Skypiea.
Bellamy - "died" to Sarkiss' sword slash (controlled by Doflamingo) and then returned in Dressrosa.
Mr.2 - "died" by staying behind (Magellan specifically made it clear, that he will go for the kill) and then returned in a coverstory.
Sabo - "died" in a huge explosion by getting shot down and then returned in Dressrosa.
all the marines on PH - "died" by Caesar's gas and then were just casually rescued at the end of PH.
Law - "died" by getting shot three times at point blank range and later by getting his arm torn off - easily returned both times.
Moscato - "died" by BM stealing his lifespan and then randomly returned at the end of WCI.
Pound - "died" by Pound slashing his neck point blank and then randomly returned completely fine in the current coverstory.

Outside of Ace and WB, we still haven't had one single confirmed death outside of flashbacks.
Scabbards are fodder, its not a headcanon. They have shown no noticable feats this far expect doing nothing but babbling on about their goal. I have never liked Kinemon since he was introduced in Punk Hazard.
Izo is also a literal who, who's able to stand up to King. I can just tell there will be no good fights in this arc. I miss the type of fights we got in Enies Lobby where it wasnt about having a battle last like only 2 punches and they were somewhat equal in power.
Shutenmaru able damage and destroy base Jack weapons yet scabbards are fodders.

The only problem here is you and others considers the scabbards as fodder so when they do something decent it makes no sense to yall.

Izo should be able to at least disarm King via surprise attack, imo the scabbards lose to Queen and King 1vs1 however they should be able to do at least this much based on hype, nothing is wrong with that

Besides next chapter they are probably going to be destroyed anyway
Shutenmaru able damage and destroy base Jack weapons yet scabbards are fodders.

The only problem here is you and others consider scabbards as fodders so when they do something decent it make no sense to yall.

Izo should be able to at least disarm King via surprise attack, imo the scabbards lose to Queen and King 1vs1 however they should be able to do at least this much based on hype, nothing is wrong with that
Ill give you Shutenmaru, had to look his name up since Wano is going off with the japanese names and I can't tell who is who by a lot of their names. But again, Jack is slow as balls. He wouldnt be able to dodge an attack done by Arlong.

Formerly Seth

To be 100% honest. Sneaky attacks are fucking boring and they are killing the portrayal of the strongest characters in the verse. Even if Kaido murders all of them within a second in next chapter I will always remember that this almighty powerful guy got stabbed by Foddermon.

Why Oda can't make his strongest characters fucking god alike but instead he memes them?

I guess you could count him as dead (offscreened), yes.

There is still a bit of question as to how BB really steals the DF powers though.
So while I think he is dead for real, don't be shocked if Moria gets him back later on and Absalom has just lost his DF power ...

I've just seen too much bullshit from Oda (concerning "deaths"), that I'm not surprised by anything.

MD Zolo

To be 100% honest. Sneaky attacks are fucking boring and they are killing the portrayal of the strongest characters in the verse. Even if Kaido murders all of them within a second in next chapter I will always remember that this almighty powerful guy got stabbed by Foddermon.

Why Oda can't make his strongest characters fucking god alike but instead he memes them?

What are you talking about?! This is actually better. We have been talking about how Oda made the Yonkous too strong and now we are seeing that no single person in OPverse is immuned to being ridiculed at some stage, and that's a good thing.

Besides, didn't Sqaudro do more damage to WB that whatever the Scabbards are doing here?

I guess you could count him as dead (offscreened), yes.

There is still a bit of question as to how BB really steals the DF powers though.
So while I think he is dead for real, don't be shocked if Moria gets him back later on and Absalom has just lost his DF power ...

I've just seen too much bullshit from Oda (concerning "deaths"), that I'm not surprised by anything.
Though possible, I don't think Oda feels the same about reviving a rapist as he does about a loving father.

Formerly Seth

What are you talking about?! This is actually better. We have been talking about how Oda made the Yonkous too strong and now we are that no single person in OPverse is immuned to being ridiculed at some stage, and that's a good thing.

Besides, didn't Sqaudro do more damage to WB that whatever the Scabbards are doing here?
I mean more like how do they even manage to fucking get to him c'mon. You don't fucking need Future Sight to react in time.

Calamities should pull Zoro and Sanji from Fishman Island.

Fuck this.
I guess you could count him as dead (offscreened), yes.

There is still a bit of question as to how BB really steals the DF powers though.
So while I think he is dead for real, don't be shocked if Moria gets him back later on and Absalom has just lost his DF power ...

I've just seen too much bullshit from Oda (concerning "deaths"), that I'm not surprised by anything.
I agree with you.

Even Monet and Vergo could very well turn up alive. We may even see them in the next cover page encountering Bege for all we know since he just left Dressrosa.


Life Is Good ✌️
I guess you could count him as dead (offscreened), yes.

There is still a bit of question as to how BB really steals the DF powers though.
So while I think he is dead for real, don't be shocked if Moria gets him back later on and Absalom has just lost his DF power ...

I've just seen too much bullshit from Oda (concerning "deaths"), that I'm not surprised by anything.
Yeah Oda's own contradictory track record has justified the majority of readers in doubting who he "kills".
One very little fun fact:

Luffy calls Yamato "Yama-O" after the explosion, which is him trying to respect her wish of being treated like Oden (as a male). He does the same to Law for example ("Tra-O"), it's something you address males with.

Yamato immediately corrects him and tells him "It's Ya-Ma-To!", basically telling him that she doesn't want to be treated like a male anymore.
Maybe he just wanted to go by his name and not a random nickname
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