Reading the discussion on the last page, I think it's time to clarify something:
The Yamato situation has NOTHING to do with transgender issues.
She is a bonafide girl and we can safely assume that she never had any problems regarding her sex. It's also why Oda makes sure to portray her as a sexy girl in every panel he draws (we even got a glorious sideboob last chapter).
This really is only a massive fangirling issue, that's a borderline mental disorder (trying to really "become" a dead person, that was her hero).
It's also actually a running gag for Oda. Every single time he brings up this issue, he makes a gag out of it. This chapter it was Yamato being shocked and actually telling herself that it's ok to protect Momo, because he's her son after all.
The people trying to turn this into an actual trans-topic are actually disgusting and the biggest transphobes and hypocrits out there. They shit on every real trans person (like Kiku) and don't even realize it.
The biggest one of those dimwits in the OP community is Artur (library of Ohara). He's really a dude with a massive Napoleon complex, that's trying to shove his agenda down his readers' throats week after week. A really obnoxious and delusional person. Actually quite dangerous for most of the younger OP fans, that follow him imho.