Spoiler One Piece Chapter 990 Spoilers Discussion

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Dat moment when Big Mom fans view a surprise attack in a Marco vs Big Mom's entire army as a victory


Marco will still clown them anyway :phoenixmarco:
:suresure: he got shot down by Smoothie not an army

:milaugh:nobody in BMP,
You can put Pero Mont d'or Daifuku Smoothie vs Kata. They won't damage him or shoot him down. If Luffy + Jinbei + Capone and crew + Pedro can't handle Kata then Smoothie can't handle Kata alone.

People should stop saying Marco didn't get damage... He gest damaged but heals until his Regen runs out. He's not Linlin or Kaido.

:suresure: so Does that mean Smoothie AP > Kizaru
Apparent I heard u need top tier haki to overpower Marco lol


Pepebusi Spammer
-Who's Who hates Jack because the pirates were destroyed by Jack.
-Queen knows Drake is a spy.
-Hawkins is still unemployed, but plans to betray after divination.
-Big Mom and Ferros Pero meet.
-Ferros Ferro opens the book, and Big Mom's army, including Queen Mama Chanteho, appears in the book.
-Marco is shot down.
this is still unconfirmed/fake, so chill out lads.
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