Spoiler One Piece Chapter 990 Spoilers Discussion

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Stuff like Nami spying with Shinobu, Franky looking for the blueprints & co ended up having 0 relevance and totally useless.
Stuff like Nami spying with Shinobu, Franky looking for the blueprints & co ended up having 0 relevance and totally useless.
The Nami and Shinobu plot point did lead somewhere They didn’t accomplish their goal but it ultimately lead to Nami and Shinobu almost getting caught along with robin with the alliance and sanji saving them. This was all setup NEEDED to establish a traitor in the midst...I.e multiple plan failing. Again not irrelevant.

With the frankly thing there were almost no panels waisted on that.. we knew what frankly was doing before the arc started and it was obviously used as a way to stall franky until oda needed him to be used. He failed to get the blueprints...I fail to see where this was supposed to “lead”.
Is that everything? If so your point about oda waisting panels on irrelevant plot points is gone. Lol
While I find very jarring a full on chapter for X Drake a character that I literally don't care, in the long run I think it will payoff, his actions as double agent means the arrival of the navy in the future and that means an all out war.
Onigashima has been a little disjoint, sometimes drags too much but at the same time it moves so fast that things get offpaneled or characters just pop, but the biggest problem is the completly lack of tension and stakes, we are in yonko territory in a war but everyone is happy, I think all our criticisms can easily change if the raid eventually fails, giving the SH a lesson and returning the yonko the respect and power their deserve, if this is the plan then Oda achieved his goal of giving us this feeling of calm but if that doen't happen the raid would be a complete narrative failure.
We can just wait and try to enjoy.
Someone posted this an hour ago Via Reddit: Obviously Unconfirmed, but makes a lot more sense but who knows until images come out

ONE PIECE Chapter 990 Spoilers (From Korean translations) TITLE: Lone Force
  • The chapter begins with a panel where we see Sasaki free from his chains.
  • Yamato is carrying Momonosuke and Shinobu on his back and running. Yamato seems to see this similar to Oden carrying the scabbards during his execution.
  • Luffy and Zoro face off against two of the numbers.
  • We can assume that the Musketeers and Forest Guardians are taken down by Jack as we see him face off against Inurashi and Nekomamushi. Jack is heavily wounded and struggling to fight back.
  • Hawkins is shown talking to X Drake. Hawkins mentions that the chance survival of a certain individual is less than a percentage by the end of the day.
  • Kidd and Killer fights Ulti and Page 1. Kidd mentions his mechanical arm being injured somehow.
  • Sanji is fighting with flying gifters. Queen turns his attention from X Drake and started talking to King. King and Queen are seen having an argument.
  • Who's Who and Queen attacks X Drake for freeing Law. X Drake crawls to where Luffy is.
  • Law is talking to someone who is in silhouette. Law mentions about seeing 11 strange shadows when he was his in submarine before entering the hall.
  • X Drake confronted Luffy and said that he is a lone fighter willing to join the alliance. Luffy seems to be confused.
Someone posted this an hour ago Via Reddit: Obviously Unconfirmed, but makes a lot more sense but who knows until images come out

ONE PIECE Chapter 990 Spoilers (From Korean translations) TITLE: Lone Force
  • The chapter begins with a panel where we see Sasaki free from his chains.
  • Yamato is carrying Momonosuke and Shinobu on his back and running. Yamato seems to see this similar to Oden carrying the scabbards during his execution.
  • Luffy and Zoro face off against two of the numbers.
  • We can assume that the Musketeers and Forest Guardians are taken down by Jack as we see him face off against Inurashi and Nekomamushi. Jack is heavily wounded and struggling to fight back.
  • Hawkins is shown talking to X Drake. Hawkins mentions that the chance survival of a certain individual is less than a percentage by the end of the day.
  • Kidd and Killer fights Ulti and Page 1. Kidd mentions his mechanical arm being injured somehow.
  • Sanji is fighting with flying gifters. Queen turns his attention from X Drake and started talking to King. King and Queen are seen having an argument.
  • Who's Who and Queen attacks X Drake for freeing Law. X Drake crawls to where Luffy is.
  • Law is talking to someone who is in silhouette. Law mentions about seeing 11 strange shadows when he was his in submarine before entering the hall.
  • X Drake confronted Luffy and said that he is a lone fighter willing to join the alliance. Luffy seems to be confused.
Someone posted this an hour ago Via Reddit: Obviously Unconfirmed, but makes a lot more sense but who knows until images come out

ONE PIECE Chapter 990 Spoilers (From Korean translations) TITLE: Lone Force
  • The chapter begins with a panel where we see Sasaki free from his chains.
  • Yamato is carrying Momonosuke and Shinobu on his back and running. Yamato seems to see this similar to Oden carrying the scabbards during his execution.
  • Luffy and Zoro face off against two of the numbers.
  • We can assume that the Musketeers and Forest Guardians are taken down by Jack as we see him face off against Inurashi and Nekomamushi. Jack is heavily wounded and struggling to fight back.
  • Hawkins is shown talking to X Drake. Hawkins mentions that the chance survival of a certain individual is less than a percentage by the end of the day.
  • Kidd and Killer fights Ulti and Page 1. Kidd mentions his mechanical arm being injured somehow.
  • Sanji is fighting with flying gifters. Queen turns his attention from X Drake and started talking to King. King and Queen are seen having an argument.
  • Who's Who and Queen attacks X Drake for freeing Law. X Drake crawls to where Luffy is.
  • Law is talking to someone who is in silhouette. Law mentions about seeing 11 strange shadows when he was his in submarine before entering the hall.
  • X Drake confronted Luffy and said that he is a lone fighter willing to join the alliance. Luffy seems to be confused.
11 strange shadows wtf, interesting. Rocks?
Someone posted this an hour ago Via Reddit: Obviously Unconfirmed, but makes a lot more sense but who knows until images come out

ONE PIECE Chapter 990 Spoilers (From Korean translations) TITLE: Lone Force
  • The chapter begins with a panel where we see Sasaki free from his chains.
  • Yamato is carrying Momonosuke and Shinobu on his back and running. Yamato seems to see this similar to Oden carrying the scabbards during his execution.
  • Luffy and Zoro face off against two of the numbers.
  • We can assume that the Musketeers and Forest Guardians are taken down by Jack as we see him face off against Inurashi and Nekomamushi. Jack is heavily wounded and struggling to fight back.
  • Hawkins is shown talking to X Drake. Hawkins mentions that the chance survival of a certain individual is less than a percentage by the end of the day.
  • Kidd and Killer fights Ulti and Page 1. Kidd mentions his mechanical arm being injured somehow.
  • Sanji is fighting with flying gifters. Queen turns his attention from X Drake and started talking to King. King and Queen are seen having an argument.
  • Who's Who and Queen attacks X Drake for freeing Law. X Drake crawls to where Luffy is.
  • Law is talking to someone who is in silhouette. Law mentions about seeing 11 strange shadows when he was his in submarine before entering the hall.
  • X Drake confronted Luffy and said that he is a lone fighter willing to join the alliance. Luffy seems to be confused.
It would explain why law decided to return to the submarine.
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