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Pepebusi Spammer
Again, Yonko does not mean you're immune to being clowned. Just because Mike Tyson can knock off some normal persons head for messing with him doesn't mean that he won't get messed with or that he's immune to that. These gaping flaws humanize the Yonko. It was jarring at first for me and made me very angry especially with how extreme the fandom is but, I've learned to not take this too seriously. She's a clumsy character and is treated as a gag and plot device in situations where she isn't allowed to fully flex.

There is a bit of sexism I think in Oda's use of her as a plot device and a Gag and it is sometimes grating but, her being a Yonko doesn't make her immune to having weaker characters mess with her. It's not her character to always be bad ass. Even as a kid. Most of her moments of strength have been moments where she's acting clumsy with a few moments of her turning into a demon child and low diffing an entire demon.

I enjoy that contrast with her. Which is why Im holding my breath we'll see ferocious Linlin soon. That ferocity won't last too long but, when it comes It will be glorious.
again ill take Big Mom seriously when Oda started to show she is really a big threat.
for now i cant take her seriously.
You can still talk shit to him. As a professional fighter, he isn't allowed to attack you. You can clown him all you want with your mouth. This is essentially the same thing : Robin and Jinbe literally did nothing to her with those attacks it's just like them shit talking because there are no consequences.
Mike Tyson attacked news ppl bc they clowned him. I understand they did nothing but her image is less than nothing. I like Big Mom don’t get me wrong so Oda doing all this rubs me the wrong way


Lead them to paradise.
I don’t even know where your fodder ass came from, why bother responding, either way moscato respawned after his soul life was snatched
You quoted me and you act surprised i answer you? And when i call you out on your BS you get angry and start insulting? Cute :mihanha:

He didnt ''respawn'' she only took 40 years off his life, of which his sibling asked thoee black blob things to go collect lifespan from the surrounding villages to get it back and they did. Clearly you've got 0 clue about what you're talking about.
Lol, how many panels are there of Shanks and Roger fighting the plot immune SH's? I'm out of this conversation. You're being willfully ignorant out of dislike for her as a character. This discussion is not worth having.
lol ok
the question was
could you see this happening to them
a simple yes or no would have sufficed
you coming up with why oda did it
including the fact big mom weighs 4 tons was funny.

I imagine oda before he clowns a top tier
he's like
"well he doesnt weigh 4 tons so this wouldnt work "
yes I think we are both done here.
Imagine being so insecure about your favorite character not being the strongest that you have to ignore literally dozens of facts, feats, and statements that contradict you personal headcanon.
Literally everyone who bashes big mom.

i haven’t seen one intelligent or logical post on why and how big mom is so “weak” WOOOOW BECAUSE SHE’S USED FOR means nothing if no strawhats could even damage her......The captain can’t even damage or defeat her 1on1 but yet skmehow she’s “weak”

My favorite character is Sanji but not even i would dare to overestimate him
You can still talk shit to him. As a professional fighter, he isn't allowed to attack you. You can clown him all you want with your mouth. This is essentially the same thing : Robin and Jinbe literally did nothing to her with those attacks it's just like them shit talking because there are no consequences.
The consequences are she cant accomplish anything because shes always set back by fodder. Her ass was sent....who knows where she is now.


Peerless In History
again ill take Big Mom seriously when Oda started to show she is really a big threat.
for now i cant take her seriously.
Dont' hold your breath. She'll never pose any long term danger to the Straw Hats. She'll come out of this raid more useful to the alliane than to hers and Kaido's goal.

If you want strong feats, she has a ton of them already and will show more.


Peerless In History
Mike Tyson attacked news ppl bc they clowned him. I understand they did nothing but her image is less than nothing. I like Big Mom don’t get me wrong so Oda doing all this rubs me the wrong way
Again, you're under the belief that she's supposed to be a 100% serious character. She's mostly goofy with little sprinkles of psycho ferocity which she will still show before going back to normal. Oda can 100% do this better. His writing of her and how writes her out of the story are low effort garbage and I think he's been less than medicore post ts but you'll only grow to hate her if you take her character as serious or stoic.


Pepebusi Spammer
Dont' hold your breath. She'll never pose any long term danger to the Straw Hats. She'll come out of this raid more useful to the alliane than to hers and Kaido's goal.

If you want strong feats, she has a ton of them already and will show more.
i know she will bounce back and even Jinbe said "she will be angrier than before".
about feats yes she is no doubt the same strength as Kaido (maybe weaker slightly).

But again and again, until we see Big Mom doing some crazy sh*t things in future chapters, i cant take her seriously.
I like when remember everyone downplaying Kaido because he got stabbed by Kinemon Kiku and the others.
thats show how underrated the scabbards really are
It also shows the mindless toxicity of this community as well.

1 character does 1 thing and apparently the other is downplayed heavily......

Saddest part is when 1 person says it, everyone else follows suit......barely any uniqueness here lol


Peerless In History
i know she will bounce back and even Jinbe said "she will be angrier than before".
about feats yes she is no doubt the same strength as Kaido (maybe weaker slightly).

But again and again, until we see Big Mom doing some crazy sh*t things in future chapters, i cant take her seriously.
I've said my piece. She'll do crazy shit but they'll endanger everyone but the SH's and the important members of the alliance. She's going to pull something wild but it will favor the alliance in the end.
Well, how many times you will continue to talk about Mihawk great victories, like when he defeated YC and others, while he didn't LOL

Agree, this chapter is dog shit tier chapter as well as Wano. WCI >>>>>> Dog Shit>>>>WANO

If you want to talk about admirals and YC, don't forget this one page:

Okay what does that page show?
How is Akainu looking stronger against Vista in that page then Mihawk did against Vista?

Akainu needs to keep his CoO on for Vista, Mihawk can fight him without looking at him, without CoO
big mom is always going to "bounce" back seriously
been promised for a while now
until jimbei showed up at the shore and mama complained about what he did to her fleet.

at this point hopefully she is a strawhat ally down the line.
if oda wants to have her and kaido taken down this arc
it would have to go through means that will make her look even worse than she already does.
at this point, taking her out of the story as olin would be better than having her held back by the likes of robin again as the top dogs in the alliance go on to struggle with her supposed rival in kaido.

anyway stan the best yc jack
got some spoilers that said he's back 100%
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