Who will eat the next L?

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Zoro Worshipper
Zoro haters never learn their lesson.
I remember the good old days of 2014 when I kept saying Zoro would ONESHOT and FODDERIZES Pica when everybody and their mothers thought Pica would give Zoro extreme diffs like Mr.1 did.
Zoro is the monstrous Samurai that Kaido is waiting for and there's nothing you guys can do about it.

As for Big Meme, what an embarrassment, Marco couldn't overpower an injured Sakazuki but he wins a clash vs Healthy Bigmom? Seems like BM might be below all of the C3, I previously had her equal to Borsalino but I'm not so sure anymore
And that's the same Zoro who had got no problems dealing with any character in the new world he met since he never felt like unleashing his Asura when we know it would have boosted his overall power set by astronomical amounts.
Zoro haters never learn their lesson.
I remember the good old days of 2014 when I kept saying Zoro would ONESHOT and FODDERIZES Pica when everybody and their mothers thought Pica would give Zoro extreme diffs like Mr.1 did.
Zoro is the monstrous Samurai that Kaido is waiting for and there's nothing you guys can do about it.

As for Big Meme, what an embarrassment, Marco couldn't overpower an injured Sakazuki but he wins a clash vs Healthy Bigmom? Seems like BM might be below all of the C3, I previously had her equal to Borsalino but I'm not so sure anymore
Since Oda took a sudden 2 weeks break, Chapter 997 was supposed to be on Zoro's birthday, instead now we got chapter 995. So prepare for Zoro's greatness when 997 comes :steef:
Damn Marco has been fighting Big Mom for 3 chapters since 992, and he managed to KO prometheus! What a beast!
I'm hesitant to use clashes to powerscale, but it really seems like Marco is quite a bit more powerful than Katakuri and King. I used to think Marco~King/Kata but Oda might change my mind depending on the upcoming chapters.
Marco will have further clashes with Big Mom as she tries to return to Onigashima, don't sleep on Marco

I mean you're more than correct there. I'll fill you in on a little secret. My fanart op manga is about an island imbued with a devil Fruit (the prime prime no mi - bc it's on an island any one who goes there is automatically in their prime) making the island just a big old fucking battle island, my match ups would make some people v annoyed with me tbh. But it's giving me the ability to do some wild shit with the one piece characters lmao. Sorry for that but I'm a little keen to get the second chapter done. Now blah blah blah sanji or zoro vs Queen so I don't get this post removed
Please post it here when you are done, I like your art,
you drew your avatar right?
And make Mihawk mid-diff Shanks please and thank you


Indeed. Marco didn't even seem to care while being grabbed by Big Mom, even turning his gaze to Carrot, being pretty casual too when Big Mom ran away. She legit ran away.
She didn't run away
She doesn't care about Pero, Wanda, Marco... She just placed them below Luffy in threat and power

Marco tried to stop her = failed
He can't do anything to break free, doesn't seem to chase Linlin either

I have no need for damage control, so don't try to make it seem like I'm the one that needs to be defensive.

This chapter was great for Admirals fans considering their performance against Marco and relative feats like how Fujitora handled Mera Sabo at dressrosa.

Marco AP ~ Big mom's AP in that clash
When Linlin uses Prometheus/zeus
It's more about her DC

When she uses Napoléon or her bare hands
It's physical feats, more about AP

That's why she mentions physical strength vs Jinbei
G4 vs her was physical
She and kaido shook the island for days.

But when prometheus or Zeus gets hurt/overpower, she doesn't care to mention "you think you can challenge me in physical strength"
Coz it's not...

Next time read the manga
Kaido wouldn't look hopeless in Linlin arms since he has enough strength to counter back.
Neither g4 Coz Luffy would punch and rattle Linlin arm to let him go

While Jinbei, Brook and Marco can only hurt homies but can't do much physically to overpower Linlin
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People looking surprise that Pageone and Ulti stomp Usopp and Nami, but was that something who was such surprising us?
Usopp and Franky shit their pants when they seeing Pageone power and even Law hype them, they where worried about Sanji even though his powerlvl was known for Franky and Usopp.

These guys where able to push Luffy to G4 and tank his G3 attack. They have insane durability/stamina and also beeing in same league as xDrake and also beeing hyped by Kaido.

It was clear that both Nami and Usopp get their asskicked, they need powerups(Haki and new skills) and help to defeat such monsters.
I have no need for damage control, so don't try to make it seem like I'm the one that needs to be defensive.

This chapter was great for Admirals fans considering their performance against Marco and relative feats like how Fujitora handled Mera Sabo at dressrosa.

Marco AP ~ Big mom's AP in that clash
I agree Admirals are on same level has Youkou, but she grabbed him like notinf. There physical strength not the same. He hurt a Homie thats it


The perspective was drawn from a straight angle, even the mountains behind the entrance should be quite big since we can clearly see that huge umbrella there as well. And yet, the shockwave - in the middle of the mountains - is considerably larger than the mountains.
Huge but not close View!
The camera is far to show the whole Onigashima in front view.

If Oda zoomed in, you'd see the clash effect wasn't even that high.
Straight angle doesn't mean the things behind are in correct proportions especially if the camera isn't in close range
Damage control turned up to max. Linlin literally had him by the neck like a rubber chicken. This is a deep burn for Mama haters and Admiral stans. Your boys are nothing but YC with flashy fruits just like Marco. Linlin would squeeze the fuck out of the pencil necked animal colored jokes that are admirals.
Admirals living rent free in your head :willsmith:
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