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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
do you have a phd in powerscaling like killer? Post your transcript and credentials
Of course kidd and killer see kaido as strongest.

It's defensive mechanism in play after all how will they justify their ass getting kicked by kaido before wano

How else they will justify one being hanged upside down in fish tank and other being forced to eat smile🤣🤣
Mihawk and Shanks would get the same treatment as Marco from Big Mom. Change my mind.
Shanks wouldn't. Akainu never felt threatened by Marco and the other WB pirates when trying to get to Luffy, but the moment Shanks stepped in he was just like "Oh shit".
This at least implies that he sees Shanks as stronger than Marco.
And while i don't think Shanks is the strongest Yonko, he is still one and should be able to at least fight on relatively equal ground with any other Yonko.
was dismantling the shichibukai fuji’s final dream or just a stepping stone for his future goals? Wouldnt make much sense if fuji’s ultimate goal is achieved this early. I see reforming the marines and steering them away from absolute justice in his future
Fujitora is trying to change the entire WG system from within, so odds are that the abolishment of the Shichibukai is just the big but crucial first step in his grand scheme.

My point is that not everyone needs to have run after the OP to have an ambition driving them forward, also in strength. Likewise will Akainu have a motivation for being the way he is, we just didn't get to that yet.

you lost me about the ryokugyu stuff, can you elaborate ?
I'm referring to this from the SBS volume 76:

"Could the two new admirals "Ryokugyu" and "Fujitora" possibly have been created with the concept that, despite them being people of the Marines, deep down inside they are both Admirals who secretly harbor ill feelings towards the World Government (going against the WG → kind of like pirates?) as can be seen with Fujitora's wish to completely abolish the "Shichibukai" system set up by the World Government? P.N. Tosaka Kouhai"

"O: What? Me, becoming restless? (cold sweat) W-w-what are you talking about? Of course not.

Uhhh, well that was one heck of a complicated theory written on this piece of paper. If you want to, go ahead and try to process it. I haven't said a single thing about whether this theory is correct or incorrect, okay! (cold sweat) Just saying. I j-just happened to throw this postcard in, so that I could show my fans the kinds of questions I've been getting and s-stuff."

Oda basically admitting that, like Fuji, Ryokugyu has a secret ambition against the WG, so both Admirals will likely be the leaders of the new Marines in the future.
Fujitora is trying to change the entire WG system from within, so odds are that the abolishment of the Shichibukai is just the big but crucial first step in his grand scheme.

My point is that not everyone needs to have run after the OP to have an ambition driving them forward, also in strength. Likewise will Akainu have a motivation for being the way he is, we just didn't get to that yet.

I'm referring to this from the SBS volume 76:

"Could the two new admirals "Ryokugyu" and "Fujitora" possibly have been created with the concept that, despite them being people of the Marines, deep down inside they are both Admirals who secretly harbor ill feelings towards the World Government (going against the WG → kind of like pirates?) as can be seen with Fujitora's wish to completely abolish the "Shichibukai" system set up by the World Government? P.N. Tosaka Kouhai"

"O: What? Me, becoming restless? (cold sweat) W-w-what are you talking about? Of course not.

Uhhh, well that was one heck of a complicated theory written on this piece of paper. If you want to, go ahead and try to process it. I haven't said a single thing about whether this theory is correct or incorrect, okay! (cold sweat) Just saying. I j-just happened to throw this postcard in, so that I could show my fans the kinds of questions I've been getting and s-stuff."

Oda basically admitting that, like Fuji, Ryokugyu has a secret ambition against the WG, so both Admirals will likely be the leaders of the new Marines in the future.
The comment about no marine/shichibukai having ambition was a joke.

That being said, wasn’t aware of this Ryokugyu SBS post at all. Looking forward to seeing how it plays out.
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