Taking 2 of Hawkins' lives (destroying his powerful puppet in the process), one shotting Killer and one shotting Apoo.
And note that's all while not at full power (vs. Hawkins with two sword style, vs. Killer by replacing his strongest sword with a scythe, vs. Apoo still without the use of Enma).
And Sanji? First thing he does is pulling out the Raid Suit he hates so much. Immediately going all out.
At least Zoro earned his bounty in DR by chopping a walking regenerating mountain into pieces and one shotting FBH Pica. Help from Orlumbus? Orlumbus only helped him to cover the distance faster, so he didn't have to run. After he stopped and all momentum from flying was gone, he bisected Pica's upper body vertically, which is an even bigger area than his Torso horizontally.
Sanji so far only got bounty raises due to association. Nothing earned through sheer strength.