Who Got More Hype This Chapter

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Bald Spoiler Provider
Black Maria: (Puck Note - This bit is cut off and I can't really tell what is being said)
Black Maria: (I have a weak spot/I get weak in the knees) for bad boys (Puck Note - i.e the word Maria uses for "boy" here is a bit of an emasculating term)
Black Maria: How about you? do you like me?
Sanji: Me? "a boy"!? If that's a joke, I ain't laughing! Hurry up and get rid of these ropes!! Pfft...Someone like you...
Sanji: I love of course~!!!
Black Maria: Kyaaa <3

haha what a cute interaction
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Apoo saw it coming :cheers:

No sneak attack so :kata:
its 2v1 unfair drake is still attacking even on the both panels
Apoo is still a Supernova, and he doesn’t seem to have any visible damage from fighting Drake...but in one slash, Zoro was able to rip his chest open. Distracted or not, there’s a clear difference in power.
I think that Zoro is YC1, but this clearly isn’t quite as impressive as the early spoilers made it out to be. Apoo was busy blocking Drake, so that made it much harder for him to be able to block or react to Zoro because if he focused too much on Zoro, he runs the risk of not paying enough attention to Drake and getting done in by him instead
Bruise is irrelevant in OP.
Nice joke. Bruise while defending with guard up vs. an Admiral is a GREAT feat. None of the Yonko Commanders achieved that. Jozu only sneak attacked Aokiji.

Praising is more important. Fujitora praised how dangerous Zoro's flying slash is that he performed under Fuji's gravity. Something G3 Lulffy didn't achieve.
No, praising doesn't mean shit, because even weaklings have been praised.


Lead them to paradise.
Zoro's built different. Should of got the memo over a decade ago. Face the music, Fuji.
Is that why he lost to kuma then needed to go all out with luffy going all out with sanji going all out to take out one pacifista.
Zoro is strong but he doesnt defy the manga's powerlevels lmao, and i dont see him as strong or stronger than luffy. I have to wonder this weird need for people to have zoro just skip levels. Dont you guys want your voice struggle to the top? Making his eventual rise that much sweeter? Whats the point of him already beeing over YC lvl when he never fought yc guys at all to level up from it?
If you think about it Itoryu is more about speed/agility like G2 (hence the sneak attack), while Santoryu is more about power like Gear 3. Ashura would be like Gear 4, a.k.a. greatest level of strength.

Anyhow, Pica still pushed Zoro to his strongest move outside Ashura. Neither Killer/Apoo required the power of Sanzen Sekai.

Pica looking better than low tier Supernovas at this point.
Sanzen Sakai's his Pre-TS move. Ichidai Sanzen Daisen Sekai is the strongest move he did yet, and it is the most powerful move any SN dished out based on calcs, including Luffy's KKG.
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