Pretty good episode.
For some reason the last clash suddenly became a galaxy impact but letting that aside, Toei decided to make some changes that ended up much better than the manga.
I didn't like or I should say understand at the beginning some parts, i was like 'the fuck are these lasers' when Zoro uses En'ou santouryu for the first time but welp, Toei things. Another thing i should say i didn't like too much is Zoro's current condition. In the manga you can see that he is tired and hurt and when he comes back he just collapses but in the anime he looks like he can go for another round lmao.
But I guess Toei will use 'the medicine effects have stopped' card and Zoro will collapse.
The action in this episode was amazing. Is it the best action episode in One Piece? Most likely. To be honest is not a really difficult task to do that, One Piece's anime battles until Wano has always been meh the only important thing in these battles were what they represented storywise not the action itself. People talk about Luffy vs Katakuri but even that wasn't that amazing, it's just that one piece fans have been eating shit for near 25 years so when we got something good some people were calling it amazing, but no, it was just good/great.
Is it the best battle episode so far in Wano? I think so. I don't remember much about the rooftop battle animations and i'm half sleep so i could be wrong, but I think that it's the best battle episode in one piece so far.
If the max score was a 10 i would give it a 9/10 but since the rate is until 5 i'll give it a 5.