Going give some praise to that aerial battle sequence this episode. They really did a good job giving a great sense of scale to that fight. It was really cool seeing them identifiably flying around the different area's of the inside of onigashima and I think it flowed really well. You had King throwing Sanji to roughly the entrance of the skull(evidenced by Sanji being thrown past the red gates and hitting the wall of the skull, before he flew down towards the red gates and travelled along the edges of onigashima before flying back into the middle area(as evidenced by the fixture of the broken bridge), going up towards the hole in the rooftop before being cut off and sent into a building. They did a pretty cool almost circular lap of the inside of the skull and it was pretty easy to tell where they were at nearly all times during the action sequence.
Credit to the storyboard artist and director for always making it clear where King and Sanji were fighting inside Onigashima.
I think a not often realized benefit of aerial combat in One Piece is the potential to really dart all around really interesting locations like Onigishima that are big enough to have their own unique architecture and facilitate big battles, while not being so big that everywhere is exactly the same. It allows the viewer to follow along with where the fight is taking place, which is often helped by unique landmarks either there to begin with or man made(ie, destroyed structures).
I hope we see more stuff like this with King vs Marco.