General & Others One Piece General Discussion

I think marco DF enable him to die and reborn again but for limited times like 3 or 4
Cuz i think teach will never let DF like this escape from his hand ,but why he didn't take it when defeated marco ?!

I think teach killed marco 1 year ago but thanks fOR PHOENIX DF he reborn again.

So maybe also in this war he will got killed again or will sacrifice his live to heal others .
Do you guys feel that Wano is giving more interesting variety in setting than in previous New World arcs like Dressrosa? Although it has all been apart of the same country, I definitely feel as if I’ve been to different places with how the arc has played out thus far.
Can Shinobu's mature fruit work on humans like an inferior version of Bonney's fruit?
Will we see adult Momo this arc temporarily?

Will Franky and Brook have a haki moment vs. Big Mom, it's starting to get a bit sad for them to be at this level without basic CoA.
Were the Marines not being familiar with Devil Fruits back at Shells Town, when Luffy met Zoro, meant to signify that they weren’t familiar with the Devil Fruit powers of people like Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu, despite them also having a prior history with the Marines?
Sanji not knowing the consequences of Devil Fruit in Baratie then somehow talking about his childhood desire for the Clear Clear Fruit in Thriller Bark is the biggest inconsistency in One Piece.
Now that I think about it, Luffy and Brook’s relationship is probably unique in that Brook is the only Straw Hat whose past Luffy knows a decent amount about. Luffy even knows about the previous crew Brook cared about so much having died, because Brook was seen telling Luffy about this when they first met, as well as how Brook wants to see Laboon again.
Were the Marines not being familiar with Devil Fruits back at Shells Town, when Luffy met Zoro, meant to signify that they weren’t familiar with the Devil Fruit powers of people like Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu, despite them also having a prior history with the Marines?
Back when Oda started OP he didn’t plan for there to be as many DFs as there are now.
I hope the mid trio and even weak trio to match up against some of the flying six just to measure and show the power gap for us fans and for the SHs themselves... just to have an idea who they are up against!