One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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You don't get it, Shanks is not end game for Luffy. But Mihawk is end game for Zoro.

That makes a huge difference. If Shanks was the very last thing Luffy had to do to become pirate king I would agree with you. He is not pirate king and he's not pirate King level. Gol D Rogers is the person that Luffy needs to surpass overall to become pirate king. Shanks just one of many obstacles Luffy has left to pass.

Luffy's goal is to become pirate king. Gol D Rogers was the closest person to being pirate king so clearly he has to pass him to become pirate king. To say Rogers has no relevant is to ignore everything that the manga has been telling us.
That has no relevance because Luffy is fighting stronger people than Zoro now. Luffy is fighting two of the top five characters in One Piece at this very moment, Zoro won’t be facing a top tier, a low one at that, until he fights Mihawk. That doesn’t mean that Shanks is weaker than Mihawk, it means that Luffy is fighting people much stronger than Zoro is.

Luffy doesn’t want to surpass Roger. He has never wanted to surpass Roger. He just wants to be the freest man on the sea. Again, this is why whenever Roger is mentioned, it’s almost never by Luffy, and when Luffy has mentioned him, he’s never said anything about surpassing him. Shanks is the man who he wants to surpass.
Stop your bs Shanks is not Luffys enemy or endgame what he is though is a swordsman that’s a rival to Mihawk and weaker so zoro will surpass him
Shanks doesn't have to be Luffy's enemy. Luffy wants to surpass him. Zoro isn't going to surpass Shanks because he beats someone weaker than Shanks lol
we are going to have to agree to disagree here if you are equating shanks to luffy
and mihawk to zoro's goal as an argument for why shanks is stronger.
We can agree to disagree if you like, but don't pretend that it's wrong given that it's part of a theme that's taken place the entire story.
That has no relevance because Luffy is fighting stronger people than Zoro now. Luffy is fighting two of the top five characters in One Piece at this very moment, Zoro won’t be facing a top tier, a low one at that, until he fights Mihawk. That doesn’t mean that Shanks is weaker than Mihawk, it means that Luffy is fighting people much stronger than Zoro is.

Luffy doesn’t want to surpass Roger. He has never wanted to surpass Roger. He just wants to be the freest man on the sea. Again, this is why whenever Roger is mentioned, it’s almost never by Luffy, and when Luffy has mentioned him, he’s never said anything about surpassing him. Shanks is the man who he wants to surpass.

Shanks doesn't have to be Luffy's enemy. Luffy wants to surpass him. Zoro isn't going to surpass Shanks because he beats someone weaker than Shanks lol

We can agree to disagree if you like, but don't pretend that it's wrong given that it's part of a theme that's taken place the entire story.
Zoro is going to beat Mihawk who is stronger then shanks
Yes with his own strength and they weren't innocent people.

Yet where's his pirate flag or his pirate crew ? This man is far from being the normal pirate.
Are we forgetting Rogers execution were we see Mihawk with a crew? You don’t need a flag to be a pirate or a crew. A great number of pirates we know in the story are far from normal pirates.... plus is not the only pirate without a flag...
:gokulaugh: Yet cant hurt an admiral?
Why would WB Roger be impressed someone who is below Marco in the past.

Imagine thinking 20 year old Marco can even make impress Roger and damage Kaido when current Marco haki sucks

What a joke
Current Marco is strong but back then? Nope
Oden wasn't that strong like you wish him to be hence he needed Inu&Neko to guarding him:cheers:
Lemme also state :

Non haki slash lol
Who told you is non haki??
You dont need named attacks to be powerful: WB did it.

Kizaru Hancock Doffy also came out wij no bruises
Are they above shanks? Akainu? Are they equal to them?

He is trash
How can you expect him to be damaged when he fought smiling Vista and Crocodile, Daz luffy buggy?

Sorry he is trash
Show me the evidence where it is a haki attack.

You're right you don't need named attacks to be powerful and that's the whole point Oda was trying to show us. Mihawk is performing casual attacks that are that powerful. But because you fail to understand that you call him trash. Marineford was meant to show us what a non-serious mihawk can do.
now here is the problem ...

Luffy goal is not being Pirate King

Luffy want to be freest man on seas (said himself)

and the only reason this title have any value to Luffy is cause

for Luffy himself the end goal is to be freest man
Luffy's statement is about not being a guy who wants to control the world
This was even indicated when he formed the grand fleet where he stated that he doesn't want to control those people, he wants everyone to be free.
This is taking a specific statement and then using it for something that it was not meant for it.
Luffy becoming PK doesn't negate the idea of him being most free person on the sea.

Luffy's statement was exactly Roger's statement to Shiki when Shiki asked him to join to rule the world
Roger: I have no interest in conquering the world, if there was no freedom, there is no point in being a pirate

This statement is about something deep meaning related to first conquering the sea, then start to be a tyrant, and so on.
Luffy despises that the most, and he specifically said that to his grand fleet when it was formed.

At the end of the day, you can deny it all you want, BUT Luffy almost in every few chapter, he screams to his opponent "I will be pirate king, I will be pirate king, I will be the man to be pirate king, not you"

He even told Hody "you can be the boss of any kingdom, but there is only a place for ONE PIRATE KING"

Shanks is NOT Luffy's end goal.

If Shanks was Luffy's end goal, Luffy would have changed his statement into "I will be the guy to defeat Red Hair Shanks" and not screaming about being pirate king.

And what's more laughable is that I need to explain to you Luffy's dream

Do we even read the same god damn series!
Are we blinded that much by Akagami's handsome face? LOL
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