Kizaruber Eats

Ion Fury the game is ridiculously fun and good!
I liked pre ts Luffy
Began to dislike Luffy during WCI/Wano because I didn’t the like writing (I generally didn’t like the Yonko Saga. Wano is among my least fav arcs)
but I’m always open to change my mind
and Egghead changed my mind
It’s the best post ts arc and now I love Nika and what he represents thanks to Kuma's flashback
I have high hopes for the final arc
The Yonko Saga threw OP out of my top 10 but Egghead brought it back to the 7-9 range
I almost entirely agree too, but I wanna add in, that scene of Luffy saying he cant be Pirate King without Sanji to him and what Luffy went through to get to him was absolutely heartbreaking and painful to see but for the right reasons. Still lives rent free in my head since then.

Im really looking forward to the payoff with this Nika stuff with Kuma and Bonney, Oda did a nice job with the people of Wano and their wish lanterns as Luffy fought and beat Kaido, I liked that moment a lot too.