Oda is afraid of Zoro because he has the potential to be the number 1 fan favourite

Oda straight massacred my boy Brook
Does not do shit for 200 chapters then gets folded on screen by S-Shark

Does not do shit for 200 chapters then gets folded on screen by S-Shark

Brook has one of the best character origins, one of the biggest tragedies and is a truly sincere, heartfelt, tragic character but my god Oda wasted him so far. He was pretty awesome in WCI in various places and his friendship with (and later grief for losing) Pedro but man, aside form that he's non-existent really.
Not even a big role in a music based film either...
Nor even having a match vs Apoo, battle of the musicians like so many HOPED for, for such a LONG time too! Since Apoo uses slicing attacks via his DF, he could have threatened and thus targeted Brooks afro, making Brook get mad/serious as his afro is key to Laboon still recognising him in his "post death" and now "undead state" too.

Perfect post.
Zoro's backstory being offscreened, if it wasn't important, it wasn't important.
Oda made it important, not us. Wanting Zoro to travel to Ryuma's grave is a TOTALLY acceptable expectation for Wano, having it tossed into the SBS is ridiculous.
Zoro's backstory being offscreened, if it wasn't important, it wasn't important.
Oda made it important, not us. Wanting Zoro to travel to Ryuma's grave is a TOTALLY acceptable expectation for Wano, having it tossed into the SBS is ridiculous.
Then the fucker has the NERVE, the AUDACITY to tease Nidai Kitetsu for Zoro, to compare him to Ryuuma directly in Wano but never let him go to his grave, never have him learn about his past there despite blatantly being a samurai and now being confirmed related to Wano people post Wano and via a fucking SBS! "I'm gonna round up the Samurai, I'm gonna avenge Yasuie (who is now my confirmed relative in some way), I'm gonna slice up Kaido into pieces", sigh...Also waiting for Luffy to beat Jack and Big Mom too btw. To return and help Katakuri overthrow her.
It's like he took all the Sanji slander from Zoro fans personally or and his jealous of how a LOT of the fanbase worldwide prefers Zoro to Luffy and threatens to overthrow him generally in popularity, plus people who keep saying Zoro > Luffy so he decided to shit on Zoros character, lore/backstory and thus fans too.
I know some people will try to attack me for saying this shit, regardless of how ridiculous it sounds, but I am broken post Wano. I hate Oda so godamn much now especially. ZKK not happening I can still live with, it was kind of a meme anyway, we got the closest thing to it with Zoro vs King's final attack, but was more like a satire of it at best and why make Kaido a fucking dragon terrorising Wano if no deliberate Ryuuma parallel too? Different types of dragons but still! But at least Zoro cut that "imitation dragon" at Punk Hazard! We've not seen the original dragons it was based on, the western type ones, so either they are at Elbaf or Laugh Tale or somewhere else at least or even maybe the giant egg Roger had, was a last surviving dragon (AcnoLOGIA that you?) of a wiped out race of dragons or IDFK anymore lol.