News One Piece: Vivre Card (Data book)-Discussion Thread

I don't believe this Marco thing until is canon
Marco always looked to me as the strongest First Commander (Ben aside) and was the oonly one who actually faced Yonkos. Him, together with Jozu and Vista, make the most dangerous "Commander team":
- A mythical zoan DF who flies around, regenerates from damage and beats hard.
- A diamond man who's basically unbreakable, with top tier stats in strenght, speed and resistence.
- An incredibly skilled swordsman who was able to hold his own against the best in his field.

No way that Marco's bounty in under 1 billion. I expect even Vista (probably the weaker of the three) to reach a billion, or being near it with 900+ millions...
It's also just an advertisement too. Let's wait and see
I don't see why Mihawk's bounty would be above 1 billion.
It shouldn't even be that high.

He does pretty much nothing.
He doesn't lead a crew. He isn't part of a crew, so his bounty can't be inflated.
He doesn't have many territories besides his castle.

I think people look at 300M+ bounties and think it's super easy for someone like Mihawk to get that kind of bounty.
But they forget that people with those kinds of bounties achieve them because they lead/are part of a crew.

Also, I think these bounties are probably a reflection of the crew sizes.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, but I'm pretty sure Whitebeard's crew was the largest? No?

Smallest to largest crews:
1. Shanks (Highest average bounty for executives)
2. Kaido
3. Big Mom
4. Whitebeard (Lowest average bounty for executives)

This would explain why Ace's bounty was so "low" while executives from other crews have some huge bounties.


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