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Fookin' hell it's been 12 pages and there's barely anything to go on
I think we're gonna need to stop the fluff soon I can't take much more
You gonna do something about it lad or you just plannin on popping up, complain, dip out for a bit, and then decide to come back just to complain again. These fake annoyance emotions need little bit work on mate.

If you are townie then create discussion and spark the flare yourself. Unless you are one of those filthy scums who been stinking up the city as of late.

and if you are truly a townie who has no desire to lead, help, contribute, or even get things going. Then how about you get that apron off and sit in the corner like a little boy.

The next few posts of yours are critical. Gotta deliver dossy.
Scrolling through the pages, I feel bewitched by @Kagurashii gypsie charm and charisma. Who would of thought having polly as an avatar would grant you such advantage, this gypsy black magic is quite dangerous. Consider me bewitched for the moment. If you need help or assistance in this gruesome dark world. You are always welcome to my bakery. We have some good bread. Not like you would ever need my assistance of course. But ya know, just FYI.
It's scum hunting. We're catching and going to hunt down some fooken scum mate. We need those horse races to be ours, then we're going to blow down on London and take over the races there too. After that, the fooken city and country.
I see I see, I will keep an eye out for your scum hunting journey and best of luck in your conquest mate, when you make to the top. I will be there waiting. Don't die along the way tho, that would be an unfortunate event. I want to see you rise and prosper. For only then...
I think i know Lind weakness, he's already town reading me🤭 was so easyyy.

Men will be Men Aye! always! Mayb we woman shld take over and hold ol da powa, est the game will slip out hold.

Calling forth the husbando alliance, wat we say ladies we winning this game easy Aight?
@Flowa @Nana @Kagurashii @hime @Light D Lamperouge
I'd help as long as y'all hand over all jewels to me:catblush:
When you gather all the jewels, bring them over to inspect them for you and give you a great price. I have good eye for money. I can make you very rich.
I like Nat this game, but it is just a vibe.
I like you this game, you seem like an honest working lad. We can find some use of good men like you. What do you say rej? interested in entering the scum hunters organization? You make good money and get to kill some scum. It's a win win situation.
Once when I show up is when the thread becomes quiet seeing that the last post here is 28 minutes ago. Seems like I didn't miss much.

The moment you entered the thread, the game got quiet. Quite the presence you have there Juliet. You must be someone important, someone with power. Powerful people amuse me you see, they remind me of my people.


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
* smokes cigarette*

A brummie translayta

Oh an' by the woy, I yam a conditional miller.
A miller, ye say young lad. Well, I dun see any fookin' problem with claiming miller on a day 1, innit.

Yer fine for now.

*smokes cigarette*


*smokes cigarette*
Ye claiming a fookin' indie?

*smokes cigarette*

you are already correct about number 4

*smokes cigaratee*
We'll see but ye better not repeat any of you ol' shenanigans you pulled in earlier games, yeh hear me?

*smokes cigarette*

I think i know Lind weakness, he's already town reading me🤭 was so easyyy.

Men will be Men Aye! always! Mayb we woman shld take over and hold ol da powa, est the game will slip out hold.

Calling forth the husbando alliance, wat we say ladies we winning this game easy Aight?
@Flowa @Nana @Kagurashii @hime @Light D Lamperouge

I'd help as long as y'all hand over all jewels to me:catblush:
Young lady, if you knew me ye could already guess what yer ol' oontie is going to say, ain't that right.
Sometimes, the women have to take over. Like in a war.

Also, we'll see about the jewels.:sadgrin:

*smokes cigarette*
Scrolling through the pages, I feel bewitched by @Kagurashii gypsie charm and charisma. Who would of thought having polly as an avatar would grant you such advantage, this gypsy black magic is quite dangerous. Consider me bewitched for the moment. If you need help or assistance in this gruesome dark world. You are always welcome to my bakery. We have some good bread. Not like you would ever need my assistance of course. But ya know, just FYI.
Generally, I dun need any help cuz my senior position doesn't require me to ask for any permission. But thanks for the invitation young lad. There ain't no shortage of work in our line of business and I'll let ye know, if yer services might be needed, by order of the peaky blinders.

*smokes cigarette*
Generally, I dun need any help cuz my senior position doesn't require me to ask for any permission. But thanks for the invitation young lad. There ain't no shortage of work in our line of business and I'll let ye know, if yer services might be needed, by order of the peaky blinders.

*smokes cigarette*


No dude... that's a bike...!!
A miller, ye say young lad. Well, I dun see any fookin' problem with claiming miller on a day 1, innit.

Yer fine for now.

*smokes cigarette*

Ye claiming a fookin' indie?

*smokes cigarette*

We'll see but ye better not repeat any of you ol' shenanigans you pulled in earlier games, yeh hear me?

*smokes cigarette*

Young lady, if you knew me ye could already guess what yer ol' oontie is going to say, ain't that right.
Sometimes, the women have to take over. Like in a war.

Also, we'll see about the jewels.:sadgrin:

*smokes cigarette*

Generally, I dun need any help cuz my senior position doesn't require me to ask for any permission. But thanks for the invitation young lad. There ain't no shortage of work in our line of business and I'll let ye know, if yer services might be needed, by order of the peaky blinders.

*smokes cigarette*
Yaouw smoked a cigarette foiv' fookin times in 'un post kagura. careful, yaw lungs!!

*smokes cigarette*
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