Future Events Please enlighten me why ZKK won't happen


World's Strongest Swordsman
do you read any of the shit you say and what it actually means before picking on people .. it means you give 0 fucks to Kaido as a character and are willing to kill him off regardless, by a character who has 0 or barely personal motivational/ development with Kaido .. just coz a dood relating to zoro happen to kill a dragon..that's where your premise starts and stops..

unfortunately zoro wasn't treated like luffy to have that sorta treatment.. luffy fought Kaido in the first act he came into wano.. and made defeating him his personal business as a captain and someone with Goals

he came to wano to lead samurai not kill Kaido.. matter the fact the whole time he's been there he didn't know shit about Kaido

hence zkk..? 10/10 logic it shows similarity it doesn't augur anything for Kaido..

hence zkk.? he did the sole thing the blade was introduced for.. scarring Kaido not getting an ass pull recovery and defeating him in a 1v1..or waking up just to kill a fleeing Kaido.. i don't see the honor in that and i dont see Kaido going berserk out of his failure just to get killed in such a measly way
Ryuma killed a western dragon not an Eastern one too

and zoro's whole plot around Wano is about his lineage about shimotsuki snd black blade .. man he even spent most of his time with a shimotsuki

zoro doesn't and Luffy is the one who has wano on his back.. forgot the Kinemon moment?

who he stopped targeting and fought king instead and in that fight verbalized his disgust for BP's ruling over the country and then wanting to become the King of Hell for Monkey nikka D luffy?


dunno what you mean but its irrelevant atm and for a while now
Post automatically merged:

fancy seeing you in action rej XD
Tf are you even saying we literally have a panel of zoro saying I've come to onigashima to slice kaido into pieces


Kitetsu Wanker
he came to wano to lead samurai not kill Kaido.. matter the fact the whole time he's been there he didn't know shit about Kaido
Spare me the headcanons and focus on what story has told - I have come to Onigashima to cut Kaido into peices! WHY?

hence zkk..? 10/10 logic it shows similarity it doesn't augur anything for Kaido..
It is one of many things that story has done regarding Zoro vs Kaido while you claimed barely anything canon happened.

hence zkk.? he did the sole thing the blade was introduced for.. scarring Kaido not getting an ass pull recovery and defeating him in a 1v1..or waking up just to kill a fleeing Kaido.. i don't see the honor in that and i dont see Kaido going berserk out of his failure just to get killed in such a measly way
Ryuma killed a western dragon not an Eastern one too

and zoro's whole plot around Wano is about his lineage about shimotsuki snd black blade .. man he even spent most of his time with a shimotsuki
lol, you are coping again while you were literally asking for it. Story has done plenty of cannon stuff to setup Zoro vs Kaido.
You can say "hence ZKK?" to all of them if that makes it easier to digest but dont pretend that build-up isnt there. It's in your face.
You know very well what the inherited will through Enma is and scarring Kaido isnt it. It is doing what Oden couldnt - killing Kaido.
Zoro is just starting.

zoro doesn't and Luffy is the one who has wano on his back.. forgot the Kinemon moment?
Premium cope strikes again. Zoro is the monster samurai that Kaido dreams about.

who he stopped targeting and fought king instead and in that fight verbalized his disgust for BP's ruling over the country and then wanting to become the King of Hell for Monkey nikka D luffy?
He was targetting Kaido the whole time. He stopped targetting him because he was in no condition to proceed after Hakai.
Once Kaido awakens and goes on rampage who is the one to put a permanent end to Kaido? You guessed it - captain Usopp!

Story has created the greatest build-up ever with Zoro and Kaido and the only thing that is misplaced in the whole situation is Luffy.
Oda has gotten the MC out of his system. Now he can go back to what he started and has been going towards anyway.
ZKK express is going full power and nothing in this world can stop it.
1. Wait, so Oda says that killing is secondary to defeat, but by your logic killing is going overshadow defeating Kaido?


3. Zoro had the help of countless others to reach Kaido and have him on the edge of destruction. That's not the same at all as fighting Mihawk in a duel. Again, a sort of logic that implies something like Luffy being too strong for Shanks because he managed to overcome Kaido (with a ton of help).
1. It's about the fame (and the rarity of the occasion). Kaido have been defeated several times, so, (finally) killing him is a bigger event.
Ryuuma even attain legendary status due to him slaying a dragon, for hundreds years after.
It is reasonable to say Zoro killing Kaido is a greater feat than (just) defeating Kaido.

2. Those are Luffy's principle, especially him acknowledging himself as pirate. Zoro takes pride of his Samurai status more. Several times in the manga Oda shows us Zoro's samurai spirit.

3. Similar to my first point, it's more about fame.
In OP world, it seems that WSC is a bigger deal than WSS. Also, the people seems to care about result more than the process (e.g. Luffy as WCI's mastermind), especially with the propaganda and the kind of news of the world.

If the public learn the news of Swordman A killing Kaido and Swordman B defeating Mihawk at the same time, it's evident that dragon slayer will be a hotter topic.
1. It's about the fame (and the rarity of the occasion). Kaido have been defeated several times, so, (finally) killing him is a bigger event.
Ryuuma even attain legendary status due to him slaying a dragon, for hundreds years after.
It is reasonable to say Zoro killing Kaido is a greater feat than (just) defeating Kaido.

2. Those are Luffy's principle, especially him acknowledging himself as pirate. Zoro takes pride of his Samurai status more. Several times in the manga Oda shows us Zoro's samurai spirit.

3. Similar to my first point, it's more about fame.
In OP world, it seems that WSC is a bigger deal than WSS. Also, the people seems to care about result more than the process (e.g. Luffy as WCI's mastermind), especially with the propaganda and the kind of news of the world.

If the public learn the news of Swordman A killing Kaido and Swordman B defeating Mihawk at the same time, it's evident that dragon slayer will be a hotter topic.
1. When did Luffy say he cares about fame? His goal is to be PK and last I checked he wants his people to eat. He had no qualms about giving the W over Doflamingo to Law, or having Zoro and the others take part in beating Kaido back when he thought his internal destruction was enough to get the job done.

The gorosei are concerned with what happens if Kaido loses, but how doesn't matter to them... unless you remember that the thought of Joyboy awakening after 800 years terrifies them.

"Oh Nika has been resurrected but it doesn't matter because he didn't get the last hit on Kaido."


Zoro is a pirate by his own admission. He resembles a samurai, but he never calls himself a samurai and is willing to do what it takes to win the day. His PRIDE revolves around sword duels, and the fight against Kaido's crew isn't about that at all. Luffy stayed away from Mihawk until Zoro lost, Zoro would stay out of Luffy's duel the same way IF Luffy didn't agree to have help. And even if Luffy wanted to win or lose alone, it wouldn't make sense for Zoro to not fight after Luffy was finished.

3. You make that point even worse by mentioning WCI. Capone was the actual mastermind and Caesar helped. Luffy did his own thing, but got credit for leading the attack and actually commanding the others, including Germa lol. So Luffy will get his credit either way, especially because he awakened the most ridiculous power. WSC? Either way that's not going to be Luffy because he was never going to beat Kaido without help, whereas Kaido's the guy who kills people for helping him.


Holy Simp
If it's more cohesive, you would explain how instead of being in your feelings. There's nothing epic about Kaido being killed by figures who aren't or won't be legendary. Whitebeard was legendary because he faced the strongest of the Marines on their own turf and fought out of his prime with his face melted through betrayals, never in his life taking a wound while fleeing and would have actually been successful in saving Ace.

Kaido sacrificing himself against nobodies doesn't compare at all.

"Go BaCk 2 uR hEnTeE zOrObOi"

Lmao that dude says fancy seeing you back in action. Nïgga you need to stay retired then.

Zoro wants to cut down Kaido. The strongest katana users to ever come from Wano's legendary samurai ilk 1. Cut down a dragon or 2. Had Kaido on the edge of death. Both of these men used swords inherited by Zoro, who wants to be the strongest swordsman and have his name reach the heavens. He also wants to protect his captain, as he attempted to kill Kaido numerous times already in order to facilitate. He ALSO said he would definitely avenge Yasuie, who went to his death saying that Orochi is a bitch and the real problem is that no one can take Kaido's head. LMAO how is this all shallow. Zero connection huh
I like your enthusiam. I sadly don't have the energy to pick and elaborate arguments from how I see things.
I just like making fun of people that think ZKK is a real thing after Zoro's knockout and with open plotstrings + explanations needed in the Kaido and Joyboy relationship.

But after being in the right camps for a long time now (somewhere after Reverie), I am pretty convinced that I am again in the right camp.

But it's funny to think about people reading Doujinshis in future if they want ZKK. Doujinshis don't have to necessarily be hentais. It's a broad term used for selfcreated fan stories/fanfics that follow the japanese manga formula.
Doujinshis don't have to necessarily be hentais. It's a broad term used for selfcreated fan stories/fanfics that follow the japanese manga formula.
Thanks for the doujinshi lesson, you sure know a lot about them.

There are open plot strings with Joyboy, but there are also open plot strings with Zoro. Kaido literally just finished bragging about the strength of a conqueror with no DF lol. Maybe it's all what Oda plans to address now, or maybe none of it is.
Trash tier theory
If you ask what is the purpose of ZKK they will answer :
-Black Blade despite we don't know how a black blade is forged)
-Fulfill a parallel with Ryuma (Zoro was already comapred to ryuma, fought him, had his sword, looks like him, killed 2 dragons) also fulfill a parallel isn't a enough to justify ZKK storywise
- Made Kaido recognized samurai are strong : He have Oden in his bracket of strong fighters and still too short to justify ZKK storywise
and so on...

If you asks why it won't happen storywise :
- Luffy made 2 alliance both were to take down Kaido
- Promise several times to surpass Kaido and Big Mom with one in Chapter 1000
- Promise to kick out Kaido from Wa No and not just defeat him
- It is needed in his PK journey to take out Kaido
- How many times Luffy said he will beat Kaido since PH

Now : Why it won't happen :
Zoro is still K-O when Kaido is defeated
Kaido will likely accept his loss against Joyboy
Luffy and Kaido had that clash of will (which Luffy won)

That's just what comes to my mind they have several points that I can add
1. When did Luffy say he cares about fame? His goal is to be PK and last I checked he wants his people to eat. He had no qualms about giving the W over Doflamingo to Law, or having Zoro and the others take part in beating Kaido back when he thought his internal destruction was enough to get the job done.

The gorosei are concerned with what happens if Kaido loses, but how doesn't matter to them... unless you remember that the thought of Joyboy awakening after 800 years terrifies them.

"Oh Nika has been resurrected but it doesn't matter because he didn't get the last hit on Kaido."


Zoro is a pirate by his own admission. He resembles a samurai, but he never calls himself a samurai and is willing to do what it takes to win the day. His PRIDE revolves around sword duels, and the fight against Kaido's crew isn't about that at all. Luffy stayed away from Mihawk until Zoro lost, Zoro would stay out of Luffy's duel the same way IF Luffy didn't agree to have help. And even if Luffy wanted to win or lose alone, it wouldn't make sense for Zoro to not fight after Luffy was finished.

3. You make that point even worse by mentioning WCI. Capone was the actual mastermind and Caesar helped. Luffy did his own thing, but got credit for leading the attack and actually commanding the others, including Germa lol. So Luffy will get his credit either way, especially because he awakened the most ridiculous power. WSC? Either way that's not going to be Luffy because he was never going to beat Kaido without help, whereas Kaido's the guy who kills people for helping him.
Let's try to focus on the subject and not move the goalpost. I will not address irrelevant topics, doesnt mean I ignore your words.

- When did Luffy say he cares about fame?
Wrong focus. The discussion is about "killing is going overshadow defeating Kaido ". Killing or defeating Kaido will bring fame, doesn't matter if the perp wanting fame or not. So the focus here is the fame in the world/public brought by the event, not character's views about fame. Kaido has been defeated several times vs Kaido has been killed. Even if the public remembers all of the people who beat him, it will not be as grandeur as the one who dealt the killing blow to him.

- His goal is to be PK
Which can be done simply by reaching Laugh Tale (and acquiring One Piece). But Oda went out his way on making Luffy battling and defeating all of the Yonko (ref: Luffy's talk with Law, Luffy's refusal to just stealing BM's poneglyph). So, "defeating Kaido" is the stepping stone here, the narrative will put focus and emphasize on this, not "X kills Kaido".

- He had no qualms about giving the W over Doflamingo to Law
Although irrelevant, I still don't remember about these two part. Can you show me the panels?

- or having Zoro and the others take part in beating Kaido
This is mostly because of narrative constraint, with BM being there. Luffy can't take 2 Yonko at the same time, so all 5 appears. Also Supernova showcase.

- when he thought his internal destruction was enough to get the job done
As far as I remember, Luffy never said and complaint about this.

- The gorosei are concerned with what happens if Kaido loses, but how doesn't matter to them... unless you remember that the thought of Joyboy awakening after 800 years terrifies them. "Oh Nika has been resurrected but it doesn't matter because he didn't get the last hit on Kaido."
The "how" matters because dragon-slaying is a big thing (see Ryuuma's fame). The killer will be a legend. Killing Kaido is objectively bigger feat than defeating Kaido, because, again, Kaido have been defeated several times yet he is still alive.

- Zoro would stay out of Luffy's duel the same way
You said it yourself. Kaido is Luffy's game. Him killing Kaido after Luffy defeats Kaido *is* an intervention. The same way Luffy didnt fight Mihawk after he defeated Zoro. Zoro won't goes after Kaido.

- it wouldn't make sense for Zoro to not fight after Luffy was finished.
There is no precedent to this. So far, when an enemy got beaten, they stayed that way and the defeat got credited to the one who fight them until the end. Until now, no SH repeat the fight of other SH. Even when Luffy KOed and Kaido goes down to the live floor, no characters are actually fight him 1vs1.

- You make that point even worse by mentioning WCI. Capone was the actual mastermind and Caesar helped. Luffy did his own thing, but got credit for leading the attack and actually commanding the others, including Germa lol. So Luffy will get his credit either way, especially because he awakened the most ridiculous power.
Then what is the point of ZKK if Kaido's death are credited to Luffy? The dragon slayer parallel, title, fame went to him instead of the "proper" Zoro? I will use your words then, "by your logic, Mihawk's defeat will be credited to Luffy and he will be both PK and WSS?"

There is a difference. Bege's masterplan can be credited to Luffy because ideas/plan are vague thing. Who knows if it Luffy's team or Bege's team who actually plan it. The Marines doesn't know for certain. But the ZKK scenario will make it clear that Kaido will be killed by beheading or cutting, something that only a swordsman can do. Which means it's clear that Luffy didnt do it, and the credit will go to Zoro instead.

By ZKK logic, Kaido's death can be done by Zoro and the credit can go to Luffy,
By the same ZKK logic, Mihawk's defeat can be done by Zoro and the credit must also go to Luffy.
Let's try to focus on the subject and not move the goalpost. I will not address irrelevant topics, doesnt mean I ignore your words.

- When did Luffy say he cares about fame?
Wrong focus. The discussion is about "killing is going overshadow defeating Kaido ". Killing or defeating Kaido will bring fame, doesn't matter if the perp wanting fame or not. So the focus here is the fame in the world/public brought by the event, not character's views about fame. Kaido has been defeated several times vs Kaido has been killed. Even if the public remembers all of the people who beat him, it will not be as grandeur as the one who dealt the killing blow to him.

- His goal is to be PK
Which can be done simply by reaching Laugh Tale (and acquiring One Piece). But Oda went out his way on making Luffy battling and defeating all of the Yonko (ref: Luffy's talk with Law, Luffy's refusal to just stealing BM's poneglyph). So, "defeating Kaido" is the stepping stone here, the narrative will put focus and emphasize on this, not "X kills Kaido".

- He had no qualms about giving the W over Doflamingo to Law
Although irrelevant, I still don't remember about these two part. Can you show me the panels?

- or having Zoro and the others take part in beating Kaido
This is mostly because of narrative constraint, with BM being there. Luffy can't take 2 Yonko at the same time, so all 5 appears. Also Supernova showcase.

- when he thought his internal destruction was enough to get the job done
As far as I remember, Luffy never said and complaint about this.

- The gorosei are concerned with what happens if Kaido loses, but how doesn't matter to them... unless you remember that the thought of Joyboy awakening after 800 years terrifies them. "Oh Nika has been resurrected but it doesn't matter because he didn't get the last hit on Kaido."
The "how" matters because dragon-slaying is a big thing (see Ryuuma's fame). The killer will be a legend. Killing Kaido is objectively bigger feat than defeating Kaido, because, again, Kaido have been defeated several times yet he is still alive.

- Zoro would stay out of Luffy's duel the same way
You said it yourself. Kaido is Luffy's game. Him killing Kaido after Luffy defeats Kaido *is* an intervention. The same way Luffy didnt fight Mihawk after he defeated Zoro. Zoro won't goes after Kaido.

- it wouldn't make sense for Zoro to not fight after Luffy was finished.
There is no precedent to this. So far, when an enemy got beaten, they stayed that way and the defeat got credited to the one who fight them until the end. Until now, no SH repeat the fight of other SH. Even when Luffy KOed and Kaido goes down to the live floor, no characters are actually fight him 1vs1.

- You make that point even worse by mentioning WCI. Capone was the actual mastermind and Caesar helped. Luffy did his own thing, but got credit for leading the attack and actually commanding the others, including Germa lol. So Luffy will get his credit either way, especially because he awakened the most ridiculous power.
Then what is the point of ZKK if Kaido's death are credited to Luffy? The dragon slayer parallel, title, fame went to him instead of the "proper" Zoro? I will use your words then, "by your logic, Mihawk's defeat will be credited to Luffy and he will be both PK and WSS?"

There is a difference. Bege's masterplan can be credited to Luffy because ideas/plan are vague thing. Who knows if it Luffy's team or Bege's team who actually plan it. The Marines doesn't know for certain. But the ZKK scenario will make it clear that Kaido will be killed by beheading or cutting, something that only a swordsman can do. Which means it's clear that Luffy didnt do it, and the credit will go to Zoro instead.

By ZKK logic, Kaido's death can be done by Zoro and the credit can go to Luffy,
By the same ZKK logic, Mihawk's defeat can be done by Zoro and the credit must also go to Luffy.
You talk about focus and then try to nitpick everything in a much longer post than mine lol.

- Fame:
Luffy got credit for having the strength the beat Cracker and Katakuri with NO HELP MENTIONED. He got credit for a technical victory over Big Mom even though Jinbe was the only one to land a punch on her. He got credit for leading Germa even though they didn't follow any orders. You mention a deathblow and not only is Luffy never going to land a deathblow, but he'd still get credit if his subordinate is the one to accomplish it.

- defeating all the Yonko:
He said that he'll beat all the Yonko and admirals, he told Big Mom and Katakuri that he'd be the one to beat her and get Fish man Island under his protection. The result is someone else, Law who has no grudge at all, beating her alongside Kid who isn't even an alliance member.

- Doflamingo:
OuTsHiNe LuFfY

hE nEeDs To ClAiM tHe W aLoNe

- Fighting Kaido alone:
Above, Luffy was willing to let Law win and didn't resolve to fight again until Law was done. Then he told Sabo that Doflamingo was still his opponent and that he didn't need help. Enies Lobby, he told them that Lucci was his upfront. Onigashima, Zoro and Luffy say they'll reach Kaido together without knowing it's gonna be 5v2. When Kinemon starts fighting Luffy doesn't say leave him to me, he says I'll join you. Even if he's unwilling to share Kaido now, he seems to have passed out at the end of 1049.

- Back to fame, this time with Ryuma:
It's basically a rumor outside of Wano. If you're worried about Zoro being more famous to the Wano citizens, again, Zoro is a member of his crew so jealousy doesn't make any sense. Even if it did make sense, too damn bad because they have no fucking clue what a Nika is and they are guaranteed to find out that the spitting image of Ryuma is the one who returned Shusui.

-on a parallel to Mihawk:
For the last time, no. Kinemon statted the whole thing by stabbing Kaido. Each Scabbard has drawn blood, so have Law and Zoro. If someone else draws Mihawk's blood while fighting Zoro, Zoro would be likely to draw his own blood to make it even. Not the same as Kaido at all, especially considering Mihawk is the ultimate rival and as you hopefully understand, Kaido is just one of four emperors.

Change your username lmao


Holy Simp
There are open plot strings with Joyboy, but there are also open plot strings with Zoro. Kaido literally just finished bragging about the strength of a conqueror with no DF lol. Maybe it's all what Oda plans to address now, or maybe none of it is.
That is exactly why imho Kaido will stand up and Luffy not, Kaido's Haki is just more ripe and Luffy went all out as a youngin'. So Kaido can fight the upcomming invaders. Zoro might be out of comission for longer because he seems to have a near death experience and it feels like this will set up his next major fight which is not Kaido. It might be Shiryuu or an admiral.
That is exactly why imho Kaido will stand up and Luffy not, Kaido's Haki is just more ripe and Luffy went all out as a youngin'. So Kaido can fight the upcomming invaders. Zoro might be out of comission for longer because he seems to have a near death experience and it feels like this will set up his next major fight which is not Kaido. It might be Shiryuu or an admiral.
if haki is the same as willpower and ambition, luffy has done the opposite of most of his other fights and isnt beating down kaido and making him give up his dreams, hes making kaido more confident and focused on them. this should directly correlate to a haki powerup if oda is being consistent
Honestly, I try to wear the opposing hat but I can't find any reason to justify the following

  • Why Oda makes Kaido only dodge Flying Dragon Blaze, the identical move with Ryuma
  • Why Zoro Asura is so underwhelming and Kaido has never acknowledged Zoro. If it's the end of Zoro vs Kaido, why not just let Kaido acknowledge him as a strong samurai. It will be perfect ending for Zoro vs Kaido.
  • "There will never be a strong samurai as Oden again". If the fight has already ended, this Kaido's statement will become true. There is no way Oda would let Kaido to be correct about this.
  • Toki's prophecy. The dawn and 9 shadows stuff haven't happened yet and it fits Zoro's Asura perfectly.
  • Grim Reaper. Why bother drawing this if it contributes to nothing.
  • Black blade. It is likely that Zoro will turn black blade this arc. What is the best situation for him to turn black blade if the war is already ended?
  • Nidai. Why introduce Nidai. Just to introduce Tenguyama ancestor? It is likely that Tenguyama will ask Zoro to use Nidai and Zoro needs to impress him somehow
  • Why Zoro was compared to Ryuma by Kawamatsu and Hyugoro. If Zoro's role is already ended, there is no way Wano samurais will acknowledge Zoro and why hype Zoro as the potential next Ryuma at the first place?
ZKK scenario will perfectly resolve all plot discrepancies above.

The are many Anti-ZKK but I fail to find any rational argument to justify the plots above. Even if they have argument, all of them are "Zoro can't outshine Luffy, the MC", which is the absolute dump. You guys are better than this. Please enlighten me why ZKK should not happen. I really want to switch side but can't find compelling reason to do so...
Don't forget one of the most important questions.
- Why did Oda need to tell us the number of times Kaido has been defeated and he can't be killed during his introduction? If it means nothing then why even tell us.

We all know that information means a lot.


Holy Simp
I like Sawyer's theory of Zoan fruits only awaken when the user dies, that's why we don't see other Zoan awakenings in Wano and that's why Kaido tried to die all the time.
Very interesting and fresh take
that's why the guardians in Impel Down are so mindless and beastly/animalistic, their old users soul died and the devil fruit soul took over the body
Zoan User dies -> body remains + soul dies -> devil fruit soul takes over body -> Awakening
in Luffy's case his soul kept on living, because he carries the will of the D. that's why he can probably be brought back, maybe through Law's powers
and that's why the World Government is after Law's fruit because that way they can awaken their Zoan's for example the one of Green Bull, or the one from the CP-0 members like Lucci
this all flows together like a waterfall

now imagine this theory is true, how would it impact ZKK? if Zoro kills Kaido then Kaido will awaken and lose his mind, I wanna throw it in here
That is exactly why imho Kaido will stand up and Luffy not, Kaido's Haki is just more ripe and Luffy went all out as a youngin'. So Kaido can fight the upcomming invaders. Zoro might be out of comission for longer because he seems to have a near death experience and it feels like this will set up his next major fight which is not Kaido. It might be Shiryuu or an admiral.

"Kaido will be ambushed and murdered by randoms without anyone knowing, thus ensuring Luffy gets credit for beating him when the body is discovered"


Holy Simp

"Kaido will be ambushed and murdered by randoms without anyone knowing, thus ensuring Luffy gets credit for beating him when the body is discovered"
exactly, the way of death, that's why Zoro will die kekw :suresure:

also I never said it, stop writing fanfics about me, I am not Zolo :goyea:
also I never said it, stop writing fanfics about me, I am not Zolo :goyea:
You literally just said Kaido will face "invaders."

That is exactly why imho Kaido will stand up and Luffy not, Kaido's Haki is just more ripe and Luffy went all out as a youngin'. So Kaido can fight the upcomming invaders. Zoro might be out of comission for longer because he seems to have a near death experience and it feels like this will set up his next major fight which is not Kaido. It might be Shiryuu or an admiral.
You can get legally now weed man, stop smoking that funky shit
Tf are you even saying we literally have a panel of zoro saying I've come to onigashima to slice kaido into pieces
and follow it up "i wish i could have at least bring you on your knees" and then following up with "luffy's got this"

yea we know how it went XD


World's Strongest Swordsman
and follow it up "i wish i could have at least bring you on your knees" and then following up with "luffy's got this"

yea we know how it went XD
Sure pre power up. Luffys done now and when kaido attacks the capital its gonna be for the samurai to show him the worth of samurai and for a monster samurai like oden to prove him wrong.

Luffy no matter what he does will never be the one to change kaidos negative opinion on samurai