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@Ekkologix Joygirl read, I like her line of questions,

How could there be any very easy reads for someone only a few hours after game start (unless you have tmi)?

Ratchet talks about “easy reads” and JoyGirl asks him how can he have easy reads when the game just started, a pretty valid question, and gives me a town vibes.

I appreciate being unexpectedly being townread by Flower, although I do not really understand why exactly? @Flower If I was in your position I would not just give me a town pass almost for free. The alliance is also getting a bit big already too.
Straigh up denies Flower`s read, Flower is anothers player who posts a lot, if she gets denied she can search conflct with that person, JoyGirl is not afraid of this potential conflict and just yolo in her own way in the first half of d1. the Town vibes increases.

What´s exactly the reason people are townreading players like Mitch or Pot again so early?

And what is everyone thinking about me this round? I´m aware I have not done anything impressive so far but somehow Flower is town leaning me despite me questioning their Flower / Dest / Pot alliance. Having bit paranoia of possibly being pocketed.

Thinking Prof is the wrong way to go and Ultra is making too much sense regarding his posts on Ekko.

Unless proven otherwise I´m working under the assumption of multiball being existent in this round, so it´s not really my style to hand out town reads that easy as it could be the case that the scum teams are having the strategy of hunting each other down too.
Another good post questioning multiple people and etc, for me Joy Girl is not a priority and Im happy with a town lean here.

Ratchet read,

Not when I'm going after him though - he tends to be very defensive as town, and I think his first reaction would be to question my motives as he expects me to read him correctly. In fact I think he'd be entirely more paranoid, this time all it took was me mentioning the possible OMGUS and it vanished which I don't like.

Now can you explain why you couldn't wait for him to answer for himself? What is so urgent that you need to insert yourself into this discussion before it can play out?
Man tells Ultra to back off and let him have his confrontation with Professor, ussing the argument that there is no need for Ultra do have a word in that conversation at that point, he forgets yet that he did the same thing with Professor and did not let him have his own confrontation with Conquistador, now that conversation is dead because of Ratchet.
He give me scum vibes thats all, for me this slot needs to be rezolved, I see a lot of bad faith in his arguments, from omgus, `why is Profes not voting me reeeeee` like dude, u dont need to say that non stop in like 10 msgs, from that conversation Ratchet looked the worst from the trio of Ultra, Him and Professor.

I'd like to point out, by the way, that Ekko has publicly stated, for the record, that he is just meming and low effortint prior to his OMGUS vote, but then he proceeds to act like his reason for voting me is valid.

He isn't even trying imo

At no point reading Ekkos comments I had the feeling that he is low efforting, this goes againts how I see the thread and it momentum, scum lean just for this single quote, dont even need to search more stuff here.


What could have been...
I haven't read anything from where I left off and I am 50 pages behind.

I am really sad today and I am not in the mood to play right now. I'll try to come back once when I feel better.
im sorry to hear that and hope ur day gets better etc.., but can u pls give us ur thoughts first before u leave (up to where u caught up). less than 24 hours r left for the day


What could have been...
@Ekkologix Joygirl read, I like her line of questions,

Ratchet talks about “easy reads” and JoyGirl asks him how can he have easy reads when the game just started, a pretty valid question, and gives me a town vibes.

Straigh up denies Flower`s read, Flower is anothers player who posts a lot, if she gets denied she can search conflct with that person, JoyGirl is not afraid of this potential conflict and just yolo in her own way in the first half of d1. the Town vibes increases.

Another good post questioning multiple people and etc, for me Joy Girl is not a priority and Im happy with a town lean here.

Ratchet read,

Man tells Ultra to back off and let him have his confrontation with Professor, ussing the argument that there is no need for Ultra do have a word in that conversation at that point, he forgets yet that he did the same thing with Professor and did not let him have his own confrontation with Conquistador, now that conversation is dead because of Ratchet.
He give me scum vibes thats all, for me this slot needs to be rezolved, I see a lot of bad faith in his arguments, from omgus, `why is Profes not voting me reeeeee` like dude, u dont need to say that non stop in like 10 msgs, from that conversation Ratchet looked the worst from the trio of Ultra, Him and Professor.

At no point reading Ekkos comments I had the feeling that he is low efforting, this goes againts how I see the thread and it momentum, scum lean just for this single quote, dont even need to search more stuff here.
awesome welcome to town reads
Vote Kagura with me, she’s scum. I can feel it.

that vulgar defensive reaction makes more sense coming from caught scum, don’t you think? She’s also avoiding me. Why do that as town?
I saw her avoiding players in the last game I played with her when she was town, dunno what to say, maybe you are on the money, Kagurashi is not a priority for me rn.
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