Questions & Mysteries Pre Time Skip vs Post Time skip ?

Pre Time Skip or Post Time Skip

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As of now, Pre TS and it’s not even close. Post TS has given us some good moments and characters (Law, Corazon, Pedro, the Dukes, Capone, etc), but ten years in, and so far it’s overall been a massive disappointment for me. The SHs bar perhaps Brook are just shells of what they used to be and Luffy is turning into an obnoxious chosen one MC. Antagonists are pathetic, Doflamingo’s group and the Yonko crews especially have been fucking laughable, even the Yonko themselves have taken damage (the Queen of Meme more so than the King of the Hostages). Many of the side characters and civilians are unbearable, I don’t think any civilian char will reach Toto or King Cobra tier ever again. Female characters especially have been treated terribly, I just want Oda to stop making new ones, I’ve had enough of his snot and tears princesses and disappointing female fighters. As for fights...when was the last truly good fight? Law vs Smoker? Otherwise, Oda offpanels them, and other interesting events like Reverie, in favor of crying civilians, running, or Luffy stomping fodders for the 7385th time.
Pre-timeskip Zoro at least have personality and emotion but now Post-timeskip Zoro is like a walking machine:josad::josad:
- Pre-timeskip Oda spread his screentime into three categories:

1- SHs (most screentime Coverage)

2- Important pivotal characters of that arc plot (a Good amount of coverage, very suitable)

3- Small side characters with small roles to play. (So small coverage)

- Post-timeskip Oda spread his screentime into 5 categories:

1- Luffy (most coverage)

2- Drawing new design characters, filling the chapter with them while they have ZERO importance for plot (Very good chunk of screentime)

3- Side characters who are pivotal for the arc plot (avarage coverage/screentime)

4- Rest of SH crew (mediocre coverage)

5- Side characters with Small role to play, (least amount of screen-time)

The reason for me why Pre-skip is better is simply this different structure and different screen-time given to What!
People give a lot of flak to post-timeskip but the world building is infinitely better post-timeskip and imo, a lot more fun. A lot of pre-timeskip was built on the "potential" of how things would be in the end and "hype" moments that defined certain characters like Shanks/Whitebeard, etc.

Don't get me wrong, pre-timeskip does a lot of things better, but I like post way more simply because character and world building are my thing.
Lol what? Pretime skip by far had better world building and characters, it isn't even an opinion, it is fact. Pretime skip had World Government, Admirals, Rayleigh, Celestial Dragons, Supernovas, etc. What does post time skip have? Oden? Scabbards? Lmfao!
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Definitely pre-timeskip.

There are many reasons, but the most important reasons is we have grown older. With age, priorities and taste change. Similar plotline, setup or humors dont seem as enjoyable as it did earlier.
Age has nothing to do with it. I can re-read pre time skip One Piece multiple times however I can't do the same with post time skip. The content is what matters. A good story is still a good story regardless of your age.
Lol what? Pretime skip by far had better world building and characters, it isn't even an opinion, it is fact. Pretime skip had World Government, Admirals, Rayleigh, Celestial Dragons, Supernovas, etc. What does post time skip have? Oden? Scabbards? Lmfao!
Literally the same characters exist post TS but okay lmao. Every arc has side characters tied to that arc, so I'm not even sure what you are saying