They don't care about that
You know Roger was fighting Prime Whitebeard when he was terminally ill right? And the fight was a draw
BB ran away because he wasnt ready he just got the devil fruit, did you expect hed master it so frikkin quickly? Yeah no
Dont worry about the 1v1 BB will defeat Shanks.
All love akhi
You know Roger was fighting Prime Whitebeard when he was terminally ill right? And the fight was a draw
BB ran away because he wasnt ready he just got the devil fruit, did you expect hed master it so frikkin quickly? Yeah no
Dont worry about the 1v1 BB will defeat Shanks.

All love akhi
You got anything in the story that says he was losing his powers because of his illness?
BB has been shown to be am opportunistic coward from the beginning, I'm not suddenly going to assume he's going to be the strongest anything because of 2 fruits

Shanks will die and BB will be the guy to sneak in the last hit and take credit

Yeah 😏