[FNZ] Salem of Lies Round 09: Throne of Lies

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@Hawks has been lynched!

You are the Seeker! You are part of the Investigative Class and the Cult

[Active - Expose] During the day, you may reveal who the Prince imprisoned the following night to your faction. [1-shot]

[Active - Gaze] During the night, gaze into your target's soul to find out their class type. You may not target the King. [3-shots]

[Active - Identify] Discover who a player targets and who targets them during the night. [2-shots]
It is now Night 5.
You have 24 hours to turn in your actions.
There are 12 people left, get them in early, please. I want to end the game TODAY.
@Kiwipom @Flower @Natalija @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Reborn @Finalbeta @Yo Tan Wa
@Cinera @NeutralWatcher @Seraphoenix @Zoro D Goat @Queen


@LANJI CUCKSMOKE has died from bleeding.

You are the Mercenary! You are part of the Support Class and an Independent

[Passive - Brilder Hungry] You are immune to role blocks and redirects.

[Passive - Protection Services] You start with 2 brilders, and gain more with successful ability uses. You gain 10 gold for each brilder above the objective.

[Active - Don Armor] Use one brilder to make yourself death immune tonight. [2-shot]

[Active - Stand Guard] choose a player and role block everyone targeting that player. You cannot target the same player 2 nights in a row. You will gain 1 brilder for each ability prevented. You cannot target the King. You may not target yourself.

[Active - Shield] Shield a player, preventing their death. You can only prevent 1 death. This shield lasts until you change targets. You will gain 3 brilders if you prevent a death. You may not target the King or yourself.

Wincon: You win when you have gained 6 brilders
It is now Day 6.
You have 24 hours to discuss.
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