There is very important thing I noticed when I was going through the thread again.
TAC - his behaviour indicate that he has something on light. Now this imply that he is kind of invest role because apart from such roles no other role can be sure that someone is scum.
Now both mafia and Town can have invest role. Third party usually don't have such role.
But look what I noticed......
This is Cinera role
You're Mary Saotome
[Active - Information broker] - Each night she may investigate a player and learn their character name and alignment.
Cinera was mafia with invest role. So I don't think tac is Mafia which I said yesterday itself based on how he was the First one to vote cinera on day one
So now there are two possibilities.
1) tac is third party.
Third party don't have invest roles generally.
And, a third party role won't risk pushing someone lynch so hard because if it turns out to be mislynch then it will expose him badly with no saving him.
2)he is townie
So if we believe tac and that he is some kind of invest role who has some concrete information on light then tac is townie.
Now Queen brought up an interesting point and that is executioner.
Executioner have to Lynch someone for sure to win.
But if I see the game balance of 15 players game...then mafia generally have 3/4 players and they have faction kill.
But apart from this we are getting two kills and I really doubt it's vig doing.
Because vig can't shoot anyone randomly as generally if vig misfires then they will either commit Suicide or will lose their power so until vig is sure that someone is scum they don't shoot at night.
So I doubt vig is trying to kill at night.
Either we have two third party killing roles(if yes and this is Bs) or there is some hidden mechanic which is working over here like" if a player is visted by someone then that visiting player would die"
executioner is a possibility but then having this as well along with three killing at nights is just too damn fukn harsh on us.
Moving on to NW.
Last night NW was killed. If we look at his role then he could distract and prevent someone from taking action.
Two kills failed last night. This means one of the kill was most likely prevented by Neutral watcher.
Now after initial interaction with him, NW later on gave his reads. And to him there were two sus. Look at his post below.
He had sus on queen and marimo.
I am sus of Queen right now. She said she didn't mind Cinera's reason for voting Finalbeta and at the same time she said she would vote Cinera if she had to choose who she would vote. This doesn't add up. Why did she say she would vote Cinera when she said she didn't disagree with Cinera's reason for voting Finalbeta?
My other sus might be Marimo. I think he was the third person to vote Finalbeta. so he kinda sus imo. But since he is new player I think it's not a good case to sus him but I saw this post:
Imo NW won't block any random person. He will block whom he had strong sus on.
So if we go by his reads then there is at least one scum among queen and marimo.