[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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@Gambit I think Fuji is actually Misa Amane since he somehow knew about how the DN works and she had a own DN in the series.
Will get that learnt today if he is lynched. Let's hear em out first.
She sus hard TAC hard and when TAC was about to be voted she defended TAC and asked to vote me instead. That's why I sus her.
Her reason to vote me was also weak. I already said I dislike get strong townie read D1 since I would become target for NK on N1.
Quote them posts so we can discuss.
Your deflect though remains a subject


Will get that learnt today if he is lynched. Let's hear em out first.

Quote them posts so we can discuss.
Your deflect though remains a subject
Natalija sus TAC

I don't see any town fishing for reactions like Poison and Gambit, do you?
Also I feel like you're being too nice, where is trash TAC at? :pepeanger:

You know I would never :catpole:

Why do you feel the need to say something like that?

I'm sadly not, but don't throw that term around for scum to read otherwise I will see it as you fishing for the town vig to kill him :giogio:
There's far too many outside factors to sus someone on reply time. It's in no way reliable.

This game? I sorta did with my vote on Kiwi, it was a little shallow. But Yo Tan's done it before. Reborn thrives off doing that. It doesn't make someone townie but it is a townie strat. I don't think I'll count that against Poison. I'll update you when I'm done my reads though Natalija.

You've... Killed me before.
Yes, of course this game. Do you really not see the difference between what Poison did and what Reborn does?? Anyways she should be on the radar, William.
I don't like how you don't point fingers at anyone. :giogio:

What are you talking about, I never killed you?
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Moving on
TAC I’ve never seen you put in so much effort in a game before. You trying to sound extra townie? It only made you more suspicious in my book :catrude:

Well I’m glad you picked up on my joke. xxxx

Yup, I haven’t done anything. But there is not much to go on, and there’s time so I will just sit back and relaxxxx.

What makes you so sure you can read me well? :doffytroll:
You’re being way too friendly with me for my taste, you should be shot :catsweat:

No, I won’t expect a recap like this, I’m already shocked enough with your effort as it is.
Lmao. I can never win with you.

I guess this'll be a field test if I can. You act like town Nat, I was gonna push you last game for the same behavior. Going off that I'm giving you my trust.

Really though- How do you feel about my reads and Kiwi's post above? She's onto something.
@Fujishiro she claimed right away just like a miller should, but for the third time - scum can also claim this early on and just become friendly with town under the radar.

Ok. Let’s see about that test. :catpole:

Gambit - paper thin theory. He was hardly “pushing a case” on you when it was tinfoil and no one was buying it. I’ve said this about him before - I really doubt he’s this obvious/bad scum. Remember last game? Here he put in way more effort - which might be a giveaway, but frankly I don’t see mafia wanting all this attention this early. If he is, I’ll be really disappointed :’)

Your reads - you town cleared NW, me and Fuji too easily. Fuji can maybe slide because he made x mistakes so obviously he’s just typing stuff to type it.

The rest you just basically mirrored who I said is suspicious? You defended Poison to me an hour ago, then changed your opinion by 180 degrees?
Lmao. I was asking in game thoughts Nat not for you to grade this.

Strong disagree on Gambit. He seems tunneled into me and like Kiwi pointed out, was encouraged to vote me off the opinions of others. And tbh, I'm a relatively easy lynch and let's not pretend otherwise.

I could probs move you, though I'm assuming based on your meta you're townie. Fuji's 100% townie. He's too hyped up, too aggressive, willing to give reads and willing to act. I can go into further detail but I don't think that's necessary. Scum NW also posts more and typically is more leading. In the shitty cats game, he was far more interested in discussing whereas current NW maintains his usual steady but mellow speeds.

Yeah, I looked back on Poison and found her to be sus for 1) focusing so much on game mechanics and 2) her vote on NW over the people she publicly sussed. Didn't make sense to me. Whereas Mel feels dishonest based on the limited interactions we had, mostly pertaining to fake L.
That is ridiculous. Yes, you’re an easy lynch, and yet did you see anyone move a muscle? No. It doesn’t work that way. He wasn’t exactly leading town.

So how would this benefit him as potential scum? It only made him suspicious. Especially since he changed his meta and we’re watching him already.

@Gambit husband, you town? And don’t say LOLOLOLO :suresure:
I read her post. Meh. We can lynch him to eliminate confusion if you want, but I am not convinced he’s mafia.

Imagine the panic of his scummates right now if he was :yasu:

What did you think of Light’s reads?
I'd be feeling a lot better with Gambit lynched.

They're worthless. He just put everyone active in town category.
:perocry: so much progress, scummy TAC is going to be a problem
:few: Stop acting like you're the boss between us.
I am the boss and the brains :blush:
There are a lot of players who changed their meta this game: NW, Rayan, TAC, Reborn, Gambit, Zara and Cobra.

NW and Zara excuse - not getting killed
Gambit excuse - arrogant Sasuke-kun
Rayan and TAC - probably trying to improve, although there’s a great chance TACy is scum.
Cobra excuse - a more important role than usual

@Reborn why are you extra laid back?

And this is Natalija defended TAC when he was about to be voted and directed the vote on me.

one more point about why I’m not sure about TAC, he didn’t even respond or try to defend himself. He was MIA and posted a video about how he isn’t a crook. Like if he was scum, I feel like he would of said something
Wouldn't he be a bit more interested in scum hunting though? Instead he was satisfied with Gambit and done. :catsweat:
Yeah that’s why he is on the voting table for me. My concern is why didn’t he defend himself?
I say let's leave TACy for tomorrow. He'll be easy to get rid of if he's scum. :catpole:
Ok, so TAC for tomorrow, who for today?
I would rather lynch the less obvious ones like NW, Zara, Queen, Light.

Poison's reaction right now told me that she isn't scum, otherwise she wouldn't forget about us. :milaugh:
would you mind saying what you need now?
@Natalija what clue did zara give?
btw can mafia win without having to eliminate all players? i heard that some games have another objective
I don't know how to take this but did your mafia buddies tell you not to be too fishy?

I believe we’re ALL concerned townies until proven otherwise :smithnie:

OT: I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, @Gambit...did you take action last night or not?
Yes and it seems my action failed. This has been addressed.
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Wtf. Do you get informed if this works or fails??
Unfortunately no. I can only hope that it did.
Why Flower?? Pretend like I didn’t join until page 80 and don’t feel like spot searching anyone when I should be working :owo:
They are both connected, either townie or scums.
I presume its bad strategy for scums to play unless they both were investigation immune lile Light n Misa. Bt Light is already out, so if they are scum they would be chcked n flip, if they are scum. I believe em for nw.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
There is no push. I'm just telling him he didn't visit anyone.
So you’re saying he didn’t when he’s saying he did and his action failed, therefore showing up as him doing nothing? I know he was suspected a lot yesterday, almost as much as TAC, so does it behoove him to claim a failed action when he could say he did nothing and theoretically look less suspicious?


Also, perhaps scum can only kill when they know a person's role, so could be they only have the DN. Which means if we never claim we should be fine.
I think I should reveal this. It's related to my passive.

Does it have something to do with Shinigami Eye?
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I think I should reveal this. It's related to my active ability.
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