[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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@Flower this whole stuff about how she knew about the claim is pretty minor and I think you should let it go. I believe we all got the same passive about L. Safe to assume that he does too. So from a logical perspective, L would never out himself like that, Gambit isn't Beta. So from that perspective Nat immediately distrusted the claim. I would too.


when I came back in the game nearly at the end of the day phase I don't think he was there at all. TAC didn't come to play in the end. And you know that....why asking things you know already ? to faking a scum hunt ?

Even if he was there I don't think I would have called him out for 24H old reads on me that were outdated with nothing more in the meantime.
No I Didn't know that. I Don't know when you are inactive or active. I don't have time to see your online status.

I'll reread the thread to see if your post now matches with the timing of TAC sus and your inactivity
Yeah i thought you have lynch immunity or vote manipulation ability. I sus Rayan and Natalija now.
There was RNG.

Rayan Didn't defend himself when TAC put him on his sus list yet he was panicked when when he thought I put him on his sus list.
Quote me that. I need to take a look.

I'd wish :catblush: @TheAncientCenturion

Anyways nope.

Vote lynch NeutralWatcher
This is sudden and an indirect OMGUS wifey, why do this?

@Flower what's your opinion on Kiwi's case after L's assessment?


Lazy is the way
No I Didn't know that. I Don't know when you are inactive or active. I don't have time to see your online status.

I'll reread the thread to see if your post now matches with the timing of TAC sus and your inactivity
I talked about TAC inactivity not mine

You know you have nothing but keep looking, tell me when you have something
He's still very scummy to me, I can't shake it. And just the bad bad contra arguments, I'm getting Melon flashbacks. Until there's someone scummier, it'll do.

Wait, was Light subbed?
What's your stance on Kiwi after L's wallie?

Yes, he did. I think Jew subbed in for him?
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Beta has shown multiple times to open claim important roles when town without provocation. You wouldn't do that.
Oh! of course. That's silly. Unless I am Mayor though.
@Flower this whole stuff about how she knew about the claim is pretty minor and I think you should let it go. I believe we all got the same passive about L. Safe to assume that he does too. So from a logical perspective, L would never out himself like that, Gambit isn't Beta. So from that perspective Nat immediately distrusted the claim. I would too.
It's not about that at all. It's about the DN ability that whoever has it needs a role name claim.

Fujishiro claimed Natalija said last DP that there is a DN going around and that we shouldn't claim because of that reason. I looked back and found she really said people shouldn't claim and find it weird how Fuji would come to that conclusion from her posts. I have both of them as my suspects this DP, but it appears Fuji is innocent, so it's primarily Natalija.


There was RNG.

Quote me that. I need to take a look.

This is sudden and an indirect OMGUS wifey, why do this?

@Flower what's your opinion on Kiwi's case after L's assessment?
Okay. Read pretty much everything. Think I skipped a Light/Fuji post there because it seemed disconnected from the game with the time thing.

My reads of active players below. I didn't include some who aren't really active. Only those who posted a few times.


Fuji — Not only did he come out aggressive and demanding reads, but he made mistakes. Scum is way more calculated, whereas Fuji's mistaking players early on and isn't keeping his attention on any single player. He's snooping around. It reminds me of Reborn in its tenacity and annoying nature.

Nat's quote here basically made me lean heavily for Fuji.

NeutralWatcher — He's pretty straight forward as a townie. Isn't saying much but has tried to stay on topic the entire game. Off his meta, I'm saying he's leaning town.

Natalija — ..Looking at her posts, she hasn't done much lmfao. She put up a few posts that were decent but she feels a little void post wise. But the tone of her post and style leaves me to believe she's town. I think I can read her pretty well.

The Long List of Slightly Active Neutrals:

Zara — Has a better chance of being town but reviewing his posts in large he hasn't done much. A little scuffle with Fuji over Fuji town leading, which I do sorta appreciate but nothing of note to push him further in either category. I still have a good-ish feeling about him though.

Yo Tan

Kiwi — Miller. Enough said, should always be somewhat wary of her until something happens.

Lean Scum

Rayan — His arguments with Fuji didn't amount to anything. He just insulted Fuji's picks / opinions on town but I don't recall seeing Rayan put anything of value in place or discuss anything. He popped in for that, and that's is. Pointless argument.
Gambit — Feels like he's blowing up my commentary about Zara or Queen into something way too large and nitpicking. I think my thoughts are clear on his posts. Paper thin and substanceless.
Mel — She's all fluff and some misunderstood points. Specifically at me, I recall her trying to "get me" when I took the ⅃ claim seriously. Overall gives me a negative feeling.
Poison — So, pleasant person to converse with. She seems nice. She has talked a lot and said literally nothing. She obsesses over game rules, then asks pretty benign questions that doesn't advance the game or gleam info from people. She's just floating around. My memory of her posts were of Poison being active and talking/questioning, so I didn't bother to think negatively of her.

I'd be happiest with a Poison lynch right now.
Vote lynch Poison @Rej @Noctis

So only a few of those are even game moving questions. Such as asking reads for herself and Yo Tan. It';s friendly banter, which I am a fan of, but it's not useful. Then you factor in the obsession with the set up. That's a lot of talk about something we can't really decide or know about. It almost always boils down to the same idea of 3/4 Mafia and maybe 1 indie. It doesn't need us to break down individual character personalities in the factions—that does not currently affect us. Drago pointed out to me in past games it's how scum pretends to be contributing.

I find myself agreeing with Neutral here. If you sus them / have a gut feeling, that's already a bit of pressure. Why wouldn't you continue to vote for them to keep it pressing? Diverting off to NW doesn't make sense, it's casting a wide net and catching nothing because your "primary sus" are now ignored by you.

Slightly positive of Yo Tan, cause he's willing to give his reads and put his ideas out there. Meaning he's ready for scrutiny and arguments.

Tbh that doesn't translate well over here and I never knew who you were in-game lmfao. So it's moot.

Make her talk. It's her meta but you can change it by @'ing her and interacting with her. No one is stopping you.
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This wasn't worth the effort lmfao. Don't expect another recap like this near the end of the day phase @Natalija.
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Miler is someone who is default guilty/suspicious when investigated but is actually a townie.[/QUOTE]
I think this is TAC's scum list

Rayan — His arguments with Fuji didn't amount to anything. He just insulted Fuji's picks / opinions on town but I don't recall seeing Rayan put anything of value in place or discuss anything. He popped in for that, and that's is. Pointless argument.
Gambit — Feels like he's blowing up my commentary about Zara or Queen into something way too large and nitpicking. I think my thoughts are clear on his posts. Paper thin and substanceless.
Mel — She's all fluff and some misunderstood points. Specifically at me, I recall her trying to "get me" when I took the ⅃ claim seriously. Overall gives me a negative feeling.
Poison — So, pleasant person to converse with. She seems nice. She has talked a lot and said literally nothing. She obsesses over game rules, then asks pretty benign questions that doesn't advance the game or gleam info from people. She's just floating around. My memory of her posts were of Poison being active and talking/questioning, so I didn't bother to think negatively of her.

But later he sus Yo Tan Wa and Kiwipom.

And also sus Reborn.

Didn't do anything to push the case on Rayan, Gambit, Melontonin and Poison who he thought sus.
Haha seriously ? You either didn't read my post or you are bad faith or scum. You never mentioned me in all of your reads and just like that I became a scummy target that did no contribution ?

If you remember wellI did some case against you no ? And I don't think I am the only one who noticed that you played in a funny way.

And show me where I "insulted" Fuji picks. I strongly disagreed with him about his reads but I don't remember saying things inappropriate.

No problem if you suss me because I didn't vote on anyone or if I don't push someone hard enough. But what you said was quite weak and weird.


It's not about that at all. It's about the DN ability that whoever has it needs a role name claim.

Fujishiro claimed Natalija said last DP that there is a DN going around and that we shouldn't claim because of that reason. I looked back and found she really said people shouldn't claim and find it weird how Fuji would come to that conclusion from her posts. I have both of them as my suspects this DP, but it appears Fuji is innocent, so it's primarily Natalija.
In order to use the DN, you need the person's face and name on your mind. Nat knows this. So logically, claiming would lead to being a DN target. Nat made the logical deduction and thus doesn't want ppl to claim.

Furthermore, wasn't she the one who got on Tac for looking for the real L to claim? Why would she do that as mafia and knew how the DN work? Better just keep quiet and let L cc Gambit.

This isn't a TMI slip. Just using flavor to guess the setup.
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This wasn't worth the effort lmfao. Don't expect another recap like this near the end of the day phase @Natalija.
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Miler is someone who is default guilty/suspicious when investigated but is actually a townie.
Rayan was defensive there.
There should be scum in the neutral line up from TAC's rainbow.
girlfriends? As in plural? 👀
Ah yes.
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