over the top anti scum behavior? Are you referring to me being aggressive and excelling the dp, or would you care to elaborate? If you’ve realized by now I have not once been threatened by your guy’s opportunistic push which I don’t think I can even call it that. It’s a very weak ote and argumen against me and your vote is a cop out I’ll def place you as a scum read.
And that your behaviour corelates with these
"Article #9: The Art of Power Wolfing
written by Thingyman
Hello, my name is Thingyman and it has been 5 years since I last pussy wolfed.
It is my strong belief that your average mafia team can greatly increase their chances of winning any given game if they put the core principles of "power wolfing" to use, something which I started doing myself in 2012.
Power wolfing (aka "power playing as scum") is a strategy that relies heavily on forcing the town into submission and/or manipulatively guiding the town towards self-destruction by actively taking control of the game thread and deciding the agenda. It is a proactive strategy, the success of which is dependent on complete mafia teamwork and an aggressive, confident mentality. "
and the over the top anti scum behaviour i based on this
"Scum tend to avoid contributing to discussions, especially early in the game. This is because the more Scum say, the more they can be held to later in the game, when more information has been revealed. By committing to a side in a discussion, they allow the Town to analyze their statements in light of information learned after the fact. Moreover, Scum will, at least on some level, be worried about appearing to side with or otherwise agree with other Scum too often. Scum do not want the Town to identify them, and contributing to a discussion may inadvertently lead the Town in the right direction. Finally, Scum do not want to draw attention to themselves, and being the first to suggest something new tends to draw attention"
im giving you what helped me reach the conclusion of voting you and not someone else.
since i cant pinpoint someone elses behavior im not changing my vote