Future Events Sanji vs Beckman might be a western cowboys gun fight.

Will Sanji use a gun against Beckman?

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𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
But he is not swordsman....
all his 1 vs 1 are against swordsman...or atleast sword user.....
Sticking only to Zoro's canon fights:
  • The Nyaban brothers were neither swordsmen nor sword users.
  • Daz Bones was neither a swordsman nor a sword user.
  • Brahman was neither a Swordsman nor a sword user.
  • Kuma was neither a Swordsman nor a sword user.
  • Hody was neither a swordsman nor a sword user.
  • Monet was neither a swordsman nor a sword user.
  • Pica was not primarily a swordsman.
  • Hawkins was not primarily a swordsman.
  • Killer was neither a Swordsman nor a sword user.
  • Apoo was neither a Swordsman nor a sword user.
You are so way off the mark that it's not even funny.
lol at the peeps saying mihawk zoro this early as well

continue to match the other matchups and its easy to see why this fails

nami vs who
usopp vs his dad ? joke fight cause he is not close
they are on the move and bound to run into someone very soon.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
@Zoro D Goat I would absolutely love this, great thread! Would have made a brilliant way to give Sanji ranged attacks (aside from my idea of Rankyakyu with Diable Jambe) and it would be so fitting for him too! Fits with his James Bond inspirations too!

This made my day when I saw it the other day, I was meaning to respond about it!

I really hope for some epic gunslinging from the Red Hair pirates, I really want to see Oda's take on cowboys especially with the fact he did a Western/Cowboy themed oneshot too ofc!

I think Sanji and Beckmann could have some very interesting connections especially based on what you pointed out and I get similar vibes from Beckmann as I do when Sanji is serious too. Beckmann seems like the really suave, cool, wise and most serious guy of the crew so Sanji would def match him somewhat (I'm referring to Sanji at his peak/best especially pre TS ofc).

That definitely had to be a Wolfwood reference from Oda too, I always felt Vash and the Trigun series had the spirit of OP somewhat but I only saw the anime so far. The fact that Wolfwood's full name is Nicolas D Wolfwood and thus he is a "D" just makes this all the more hilariously fitting too!

Those artworks of Sanji with the guns always look so great and are some of my favourite of him too! I really hope Oda does take him in this direction in future with the Red Hair Pirates but I don't wanna get my hopes up too much.

I'm also hoping for an epic shootout between Usopp and his own father, maybe Yasopp lamenting or respecting that Usopp refuses to use guns and Usopp feeling conflicted that maybe he should use guns or being inspired by seeing his fathers legendary sniping in action.

I also think Usopp is gonna get some major David vs Goliath moment at Elbaf with his slingshot and being such a huge fan of giants, maybe even this arc with Kaido as the Goliath at least, but more fittingly at Elbaf ofc with some kind of actual giant enemy. Maybe Usopp vs San Juan Wolf of the Blackbeard pirates as he seems to the biggest person we've seen I believe?
But this is going off topic ofc...

To get back on topic, thank you for this thread, this is exactly my jam and the kind of thing I appreciate, I love gunslingers and Sanji did kind remind me of Wolfwood funnily enough, even before that moment in OP recently!

Thanks for your kind feedback ^^
not tagging me, 1/10:seriously:

ben and sanji are the perfect match, vivre card proofs it.

north blue, both smoking, calm characters, huge iq, and i bet ben has some good kicks +cO0

i even push it further and say ben defeated zeff and it's the reason why zeff left nw
My bad. Will take note next time.:josad:

Benn defeating Zeff sounds cool not gonna lie.
The only SH that will have a proper 1v1 against Benn is Zoro.
Nah, Zoro vs Mihawk.
Ben is gonna get Killed by Shilliew
The Straw Hats are going to have a Davy Back fight with the Red Hairs.
That would be funny Lmao.
I appreciate the effort lil goat but Sanji is stronger with his legs and Beckman being who he is, would require Sanji to use his legs.
Besides I don't think Beckmann is an exclusive gun fighter.
Yeah, I don't think they will have an all out fight but just a brief gun fight. Beckman also seems to have multiple different fighting styles as well.
I see candyboys headcanons are multiplying non stop...
Boi if you're talking about me........

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Mihawk isn't in Shanks crew. Plus Mihawk will decide when Zoro is worth a challenge not the other way around.
As I said, I don't think the Strawhats will have an actual battle with Red Hair Pirates. Maybe a training session at best. Mihawk can fight Zoro at EOS after taking down Teach's crew and the World Government.
If the SW's fight Shank's crew, Sanji's matchup will be the fat dude, Sanji will bake a cake for him.
Zoro and Lucky Roo have the same roles in the crew and Sanji is parallel with Beckman. Zoro vs Roo and Sanji vs Beckman then?:myman:
As I said, I don't think the Strawhats will have an actual battle with Red Hair Pirates. Maybe a training session at best. Mihawk can fight Zoro at EOS after taking down Teach's crew and the World Government.

Zoro and Lucky Roo have the same roles in the crew and Sanji is parallel with Beckman. Zoro vs Roo and Sanji vs Beckman then?:myman:
Beckman is the vice captain.

Zoro=Vice captain
But Shanks is also a swordman, soo Zoro would likely be the one fighting the big boy yonko.
Sanji would still be baking a cake for the fat dude tho.
No kidding but Benn was hyped by Kizaru in a way that he is probably an high diff fight for him, can Sanji ever come close such majesty? Current power level gap ratios progresses throughout his story suggest most likely nah, unless Oda won't take things linearly which remains improbable.
Plus it was stated that he is comparable to Shanks, and it is obvious that the statement is speaking about his strength.