Character Discussion Sanji's character development analysis in Chapter 1,005!

Did Sanji get a good character development?

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The point is that people saying Sanji's character got regressed while he DIDN'T. Sanji got developed back to back. It's being repetitive.
Most beefs I've seen from people here are either Sanji is garbage for getting himself into that situation, and that he made Robin fight a fight she could have avoided while annoucing her position to the whole island. People only went further when their fav (in this case Zoro) got compared to Sanji or talked down/bashed or whatever.
Naturally there are people who just like to trash Sanji's character whenever it is possible, but don't pretend that it isn't the same case with Zoro, so it's just trolling at this point and what's the point to even complain about that.
Also "developped back to back" is not really being the case here when they are the same kind of "development". Anyway this can be attributed to Oda's way of writing Shitwriting if you want.
Again, Zoro already one shotted Hody underwater and he can also do tornado attack against the fodders but he didn't. Exactly, it's PIS that Zoro and others got captured just like Sanji in the first place. Sanji could have just use DJ to burn the webs or use the RS to escape but he didn't because of how garbage Oda is when it comes to writing. Oda have to use excuses to stall Sanji back and dragging the plot out. It's not Sanji's fault but rather Oda's fault for not being able to create a better scenario than this.
Zoro and everyone were riding the Huge Whale to escape, Hody was KOed, Zoro achieved his goal by using minimal efforts. It's only during their escape that Hody got back to life thanks to the drug and surprised them from behind. Fodders who were fed drugs caught up while Hody holding the Whale off, and they made everyone losing their breathing. All of this happened underwater and after everyone had been holding their breath for a while. For me this is less PIS than the situation with Sanji.

Onto Sanji's case, it's pure PIS at this point, that you and I agree on. But it's also shitwriting, and I'm aware of that fact. I meant Sanji burnt/did whatever before to get out and beat the male Gifters but got caught again and couldn't escape by himself one more time. Still it's his fault for not focusing on his escape when he realized he got trapped, instead he went on fighting while knowing he shouldn't be there. But he did gain a few infos so there's that.
Oda doesn't like Sanji that much, you better prepare yourself to defend him more in the future. I could be wrong tho. :yasu:

And one advice, don't defend Sanji by bringing up Zoro because that will only worsen the situation and help nothing because they are not the same. :sanmoji:



Hello WG, welcome to another Sanji topic of mine. Hope you guys have a great day and enjoy.:sweat::sweat:

A lot of people wanted Sanji this chapter to do the generic "I would rather die than talk" cool guy line.

But that's Pre-Timeskip Sanji

Sanji didn't wanna die a senseless death just because of his belief of not hurting a woman.
He had his friends that allowed him to keep his belief without dying.
That's what Strawhats do, they cover each other weaknesses.

That's why he trusted Robin can handle this for him as he tries to save his own life so that he could go do something else.

Captain Hague from Fire Force explains this well.

If Sanji were about to die, then who will protect the Strawhats crew then? The main role of Sanji is to saves the weak. Now it's the other Strawhats' turn to save Sanji this time.

Characters that have no idea about Sanji's belief, think that a man calling for woman's help is pathetic and "unmanly" (notice how these characters get beat by Sanji easy).

While character like Marco thinks otherwise.

And of course the character that is affected by Sanji's actions the most- Robin, is the happiest we've ever seen her be and that's thanks to Sanji's actions.

So if Robin is happy that Sanji did this, I don't think anyone else's opinion matters on this matter.

Sanji isn't trying to be the generic cool guy like Zoro that would rather die than ask for help.
Sanji's actions are cool if you understand his character arc.

Sanji calling to Robin for help is great because it just reinforces that part of the reason the Strawhats’ side will succeed is genuine trust, friendship, and bonds.

Saying Sanji's character got ruined is just false if you know his character and what happened to him.

If you are saying that you didn't want Sanji to encounter females, that's alright.
But that doesn't mean the character got ruined, it just means you don't like the plot that Oda wrote. But Sanji's character's progression was good this chapter whether you like it or not.:kayneshrug:

That's all from me, peace out.:cheers:
Good thread lil Goat


Pepebusi Spammer

Hello WG, welcome to another Sanji topic of mine. Hope you guys have a great day and enjoy.:sweat::sweat:

A lot of people wanted Sanji this chapter to do the generic "I would rather die than talk" cool guy line.

But that's Pre-Timeskip Sanji

Sanji didn't wanna die a senseless death just because of his belief of not hurting a woman.
He had his friends that allowed him to keep his belief without dying.
That's what Strawhats do, they cover each other weaknesses.

That's why he trusted Robin can handle this for him as he tries to save his own life so that he could go do something else.

Captain Hague from Fire Force explains this well.

If Sanji were about to die, then who will protect the Strawhats crew then? The main role of Sanji is to saves the weak. Now it's the other Strawhats' turn to save Sanji this time.

Characters that have no idea about Sanji's belief, think that a man calling for woman's help is pathetic and "unmanly" (notice how these characters get beat by Sanji easy).

While character like Marco thinks otherwise.

And of course the character that is affected by Sanji's actions the most- Robin, is the happiest we've ever seen her be and that's thanks to Sanji's actions.

So if Robin is happy that Sanji did this, I don't think anyone else's opinion matters on this matter.

Sanji isn't trying to be the generic cool guy like Zoro that would rather die than ask for help.
Sanji's actions are cool if you understand his character arc.

Sanji calling to Robin for help is great because it just reinforces that part of the reason the Strawhats’ side will succeed is genuine trust, friendship, and bonds.

Saying Sanji's character got ruined is just false if you know his character and what happened to him.

If you are saying that you didn't want Sanji to encounter females, that's alright.
But that doesn't mean the character got ruined, it just means you don't like the plot that Oda wrote. But Sanji's character's progression was good this chapter whether you like it or not.:kayneshrug:

That's all from me, peace out.:cheers:
and what more interesting is, Robin feel needed by their friends/crew after most of her life she being chased by some organization.
Thanks Little Goat, what an interesting thread. :optimistic:


The Road To Harmony
There's a distinction between trusting and needing. Take WCI. The one time Sanji actively asked for help from someone was when he told Luffy he wanted to go back to the Sunny and needed his help to save his siblings. Trusting would be something like Sanji trusting Luffy to beat Katakuri, or believing in the others to survive against Linlin while he baked the cake. But this time, Sanji was in active danger due to his own inabilities. There's contrivance to it, like Sanji suddenly not being able to escape when he was able to fend off the male enemies, but nothing particularly damaging to his character, just Oda playing fast and loose for the sake of a strong character moment between Sanji and Robin.

If Sanji only called for help in general, something would be lost, and it would just be Sanji acting as a damsel for the sake of it. Asking for Robin's help after she did the same back on Enies Lobby was a nice bit of role reversal that strengthens the crew's bond, imo. Robin isn't shunned anymore, but genuinely depended on.

There's a world of difference between just trusting someone and knowing people need you in life.
i don't think sanji had a trust issue, but he was a man who is always trying to handle everything by himself same as vivi back in alabasta, so in this chapter he showcased the ability to ask for help and share the burden with his friends.
we also kinda learned that sanji's inability to harm women may run even deeper than we think, as he wants to protect himself with CoA but it wont activate, he made it look like it's something out of his control.
@Den_Den_Mushi brought up a valid point. I understand this whole debacle is PIS, but Sanji unwillingly brought 2 Able Combatants (Brook and Robin) into a single fight. By the way, Black Maria prior to this was largely Passive. And the second issue is that, Sanji screamed out that Nico Robin will be at X place at Z time. This was echoed for Onigashima to hear and for interested parties to advantageously capitalize on.

Sanji knowingly did this, while he could have called for anyone. And Jinbei noted the crucial points that, trust me, WILL come into play later.
To me it feels like Sanji's character is all over the place, and i can't blame him after his messed up childhood. I just hope he can find some stability within himself and bring back mr prince the suave knight in shining armor, not the stealth black crap. He's not a power ranger, he's his own James Bond.

Anyone noticed similarities with Sanji and Usopp? Their internal struggle, Usopp overcoming his fears and Sanji believing in himself, Sogeking versus Stealth Black. Throw away your pride, throw away yourself, but not the solution.
Sanji has a hard time asking for help. sanji always tries to do everything on his own. best example water seven. sanji did his espionage alone and waited for cp0 to hop on train. if he asked zoro and luffy for help. they could've got robin at the train. we found out in whole cake why he doesn't ask. and sanji probably didn't want to look weak infront of his crew.

on the readers feeling like his getting trashed is more of personnel issue. even EOS sanji that can beat an admiral would still get trashed. when i saw sanji dying from a nosebleed in fishmen, i saw it as a comedy gold mine. take this into consideration, enjoy the humour and the ride.
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Hello WG, welcome to another Sanji topic of mine. Hope you guys have a great day and enjoy.:sweat::sweat:

A lot of people wanted Sanji this chapter to do the generic "I would rather die than talk" cool guy line.

But that's Pre-Timeskip Sanji

Sanji didn't wanna die a senseless death just because of his belief of not hurting a woman.
He had his friends that allowed him to keep his belief without dying.
That's what Strawhats do, they cover each other weaknesses.

That's why he trusted Robin can handle this for him as he tries to save his own life so that he could go do something else.

Captain Hague from Fire Force explains this well.

If Sanji were about to die, then who will protect the Strawhats crew then? The main role of Sanji is to saves the weak. Now it's the other Strawhats' turn to save Sanji this time.

Characters that have no idea about Sanji's belief, think that a man calling for woman's help is pathetic and "unmanly" (notice how these characters get beat by Sanji easy).

While character like Marco thinks otherwise.

And of course the character that is affected by Sanji's actions the most- Robin, is the happiest we've ever seen her be and that's thanks to Sanji's actions.

So if Robin is happy that Sanji did this, I don't think anyone else's opinion matters on this matter.

Sanji isn't trying to be the generic cool guy like Zoro that would rather die than ask for help.
Sanji's actions are cool if you understand his character arc.

Sanji calling to Robin for help is great because it just reinforces that part of the reason the Strawhats’ side will succeed is genuine trust, friendship, and bonds.

Saying Sanji's character got ruined is just false if you know his character and what happened to him.

If you are saying that you didn't want Sanji to encounter females, that's alright.
But that doesn't mean the character got ruined, it just means you don't like the plot that Oda wrote. But Sanji's character's progression was good this chapter whether you like it or not.:kayneshrug:

That's all from me, peace out.:cheers:
You should have used the official translation there are many inaccuracies in early translations, other than that I have nothing do disagree, his character was made with this trait, this is what made him interesting and I don't think oda will ever change this aspect of his and rightly so.
Edit this part below isn't refered to @Zoro D Goat just wanted to be clear
Now you can complain for how much you want and start imagining things and building fake hype, but if you don't understand the basics of this character and want to change it each time saying oda ruined him than you don't relay understand Sanji's character and sounds to me like you are not really a fan of him, but just of some scenes he was in and maybe you like to argue a bit to much with the zoro fanbase and choose sanji as your weapon of choice.

If you got offended I'm sorry, but I think I had a bit to much of this constant complaining. Anyway for the person that arrived this far I say don't take it to seriously it's a fictional series, enjoyed till it lasts and if you don't like it anymore take a break and come back when the arc has ended. Wish you a great day reader stay sexy and you to @Zoro D Goat
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You should have used the official translation there are many inaccuracies in early translations, other than that I have nothing do disagree, his character was made with this trait, this is what made him interesting and I don't think oda will ever change this aspect of his and rightly so.
Now you can complain for how much you want and start imagining things and building fake hype, but if you don't understand the basics of this character and want to change it each time saying oda ruined him than you don't relay understand Sanji's character and sounds to me like you are not really a fan of him, but just of some scenes he was in and maybe you like to argue a bit to much with the zoro fanbase and choose sanji as your weapon of choice.

If you got offended I'm sorry, but I think I had a bit to much of this constant complaining. Anyway for the person that arrived this far I say don't take it to seriously it's a fictional series, enjoyed till it lasts and if you don't like it anymore take a break and come back when the arc has ended. Wish you a great day reader stay sexy and you to @Zoro D Goat
its not even his own thoughts.
its from someone else


So actual character development would’ve been for Sanji to stop being a raging sexist with a massive simp complex instead of clinging to outdated values from the 8th century BC.

Notice how the panel of Jinbe, the most mature crew member noting Sanji’s fuckup is conveniently missing from this, uh, ‘analysis’. More like damage control and mental gymnastics to try and justify how pathetic it is for Sanji to once again get another crewmate to solve his problems. Make that two because instead of just one person holding off Black Maria, they had to send Brook as well, preventing him from helping out elsewhere.

Nice work, loser. Once again proving his father and brothers right.
We know you hate Sanji... praises Zoro and Mihawk for being great characters

Just like Zoro needs help to solve his problems many times in NW


Talent is something you make bloom.
Be patient.
I'm gonna make a thread to explain a little bit about Sanji's character and its "flaws".
Maybe people will understand these traits a little better and will dislike them a bit less.
It's gonna be called "Sanji, the Paladin archetype from the Straw Hats" or something like that. :)
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So actual character development would’ve been for Sanji to stop being a raging sexist with a massive simp complex instead of clinging to outdated values from the 8th century BC.

Notice how the panel of Jinbe, the most mature crew member noting Sanji’s fuckup is conveniently missing from this, uh, ‘analysis’. More like damage control and mental gymnastics to try and justify how pathetic it is for Sanji to once again get another crewmate to solve his problems. Make that two because instead of just one person holding off Black Maria, they had to send Brook as well, preventing him from helping out elsewhere.

Nice work, loser. Once again proving his father and brothers right.
Jinbei. The most "mature" but also the "newbie".
Remember when he said he let Luffy go ahead on his own and everyone was like "HE IS GONNA FUCK IT UP!"
Then he said Zoro went after him and everyone was like "HE IS GONNA GET LOST!"
Jinbei still doesn't understand the crew dynamic yet. Chill.
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Be patient.
I'm gonna make a thread to explain a little bit about Sanji's character and its "flaws".
Maybe people will understand these traits a little better and will dislike them a bit less.
It's gonna be called "Sanji, the Paladin archetype from the Straw Hats" or something like that. :)
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I'm looking forward to it.
they don't understand sanji sometimes dips in his stock market. technically i dont think its a dip. this was a 10/10 chapter. they not looking at the big picture oda's painting.