Questions & Mysteries Sanji's final bounty over 3 billion


Kitetsu Wanker
The trend so far was that they get higher bounties than the people they have beaten had.
It will likely continue but whether their opponents have couple of millions remains unclear.
I could definitely see Mihawk around 3Bil so Zoro can pass that milestone in bounty.
Sanjino, on the other hand, has no endgame opponent set in stone so we cant be sure about it.
Sanji isn’t the first mate. Never been. Called that zoro has
Never been called vice captain
Zoro has
Never been mistaken for captain because of his strength
Zoro has
Stop it blonde hair is the only connection and it’s weak just like your Cake boi
Ok I need a Zorotard specialist to decipher this for me. Tf did you just say ??
Sanji has the highest bounty like he said he would. Yall can be hurt but its faxxxx
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Sanji literally has the higher bounty

From doing nothing undeserved. 1st time in 20 years I’m happy for you guys. Zoro bounty has always been higher never had to brag
Well that wasn’t in odas playbook . He wanted luffy and zoro to get their bounty’s first. Then the rest of the crew can get a lil something. The worst generation future top tiers are in their own class
Stop he is underserved then. If he didnt even get the bounties he did derseve. It cancels each other out. Stop being jealous Sanji has the higher bounty. Deal with it.