[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 10 - Antagonists Vs Protagonists

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What could have been...

Vote Lynch Ekko.
these r ok

I’m down with an Ekko vote. My only reservations on him is that you guys indicate that he’s chaotic like this even when he’s town lol.

Vote lynch Ekko.

I also agree with Dest that Ryu has been kind of suspicious. He just seems too relaxed and willing to go with whatever, and when he changes his mind I don’t always see a clear reason for why.
this is terrible


What could have been...
I still agree that between Ekko and anon, something fucky happened with the Silencing. Not sure what happened or who to believe more, so I'm not sure I completely agree with this direction yet.
why cant we both be silenced?

i appeared half of the day and didnt realize anyone was silenced like me

u think hes faking it?

why wud anyone silence him anyway. weird af


What could have been...
Ryu Ryu Is A Boo Boo

So after fluffing for the first ten or so posts in the game, Ryu throws down a vote on Flower in post 88 and then in post 90, he admits that he thinks that Flower was targeted by someone that doesn't like her. Really doesn't clear up the vote then, does it?

There's a couple of posts where Ryu says he would like to vote out Cal for his claim, but then just drops a vote on Tobi without saying anything on post 230, unvotes on post 240, and then votes him again without saying anything on page 243. If Femto really does come back, these are interesting votes made by Ryu because there'd be no real danger of voting Tobi.

Post 724 Ryu questions Ekko's post saying that Tobi has to be scum.

Post 921 pinged me in the wrong way initially and now with further information it pings worse. It almost felt like TMI at that point and now it makes more sense because he claimed TAC Silenced Flower, which Nat tried to take advantage of, and since TAC was Wolf, he knew Nat was Town and tried defending her for some Town cred.

Post 1869 he's clearly willing with the Cal lynch.

Just something funny how in post 2280 Ryu says he thinks I'm Town. This was during D3 when I went after Flower. When I asked him this phase was I was scum, he didn't answer me.

Post 2347 hard defense of TAC.

In posts 2467 and 2472 Ryu swifts and starts to suss Prof for no reason at all.

Post 2541 is also super pingy. He defends Nat and TAC once again and says that TAC defending Nat feels like TMI. But how would Town have TMI on Town with an invest? We know that TAC never hinted that, so it's weird Ryu would say this.

Post 3538 is a read list which features over half the alive players, and he reads them all Town... Including myself.

Post 3585 Ryu changes his read on Prof just because Nat said so.

Post 3606 reads TAC as Town again.

Post 3616 is actually super interesting because Ryu votes Lind here despite Lind being in his Town reads not even 100 posts earlier. Why would he do this? In post 3618 Ryu says he's voting Lind because he think he's scum or Indie. But he literally just said Lind was Town 80 posts ago? This is super Wolf to me.

Post 4142, 4154, and 4161 kind of seem like role fishing to me and are three consecutive posts from Ryu. First he asks for confirmation that Tpein is Dependable (the codename we speculated was the Driver). Then he asks about who killed Tobi and follows up by asking if it was Light. Looks like Ryu is trying to get confirmation on both a Driver and a Vig here. Posts 4688 and 4690 he asks Tpein about being the Driver and definitely seems cautious about it.

Post 4337 is another read list that features all Town reads except for, you guessed it, Beta.

Post 4683 is interesting for a guy who supposedly hasn't played a lot of Mafia with current players. He sussed Ekko saying he feels they'd be more active as Town. But how would he really know that?

Post 4680 is another reads list. What's funny about this is that he calls me and Light Town in this post but then in post 4685, a mere five posts later, he kind of shades the two of us and say we could be Wolf. This shows that he really doesn't have any consistent reads and will go for anyone.

Post 4705 is interesting because this is an unvote off of Beta. So he definitely wanted to give the appearance of going after Beta but then definitely pumped the breaks on it.

Post 4721 is Ryu's scum team read, including two outed scum, someone he Town read the whole game in Nat (and never once mentioned why she was all of a sudden a Wolf), and Ekko who he susses for reasons he shouldn't know or think if he's never played with Ekko much. Post 4826 is a new scum team idea from Ryu, this time swapping Beta with Nat.

Post 4820 he finally votes Beta after the heat doesn't die down.

So all in all, there's been no Wolf hunting from Ryu, he's switched up his reads and susses quite easily, and has never really pushed anyone. Not only that, but he also voiced some concern of Tobi's lynch, defended TAC all game, voted off Beta, and has also been fishing for roles. Nothing Town about Ryu this game.

Vote Lynch Ryu
we're sticking to beta

ryu comes after
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