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I will never forgive Oda
Jdb is so confident with his pushes, so active and aggressive . that isnt scum jdb. More defensive , more tame and goes with the flow.
jdb at some points in this game is also trying to town lead.

fuji is the same aggressive townie player he has always been . The flower lynch was bad I would admit

these three would not be townie leans for me . flower/ usopp one would provide more info but I have to iso flower's post when she came in.
midnight leaning non town . claims an RB
had 36 hrs to do something
and submitted no action apparently. I dont know if he;s trying to play dumb with some of the questions too. we have both had midnight as a scummate . dude is no slouch.

Usopp well am petty when it comes to usopp
he was as confident as fuji with the flower read which is shit I dont think scum would do.
however he claims an invest immune passive which he didnt do last dp .....
thats terrible.

flower is actually a negative for me
she continued essentially where kiwi left off with fuji, usopp and jdb
two of those players I think are town
she came in end of the dp to drop a vote on jdb and a few reads here and there. However flower coming in
continuing to tunnel on both fuji and usopp sounds more like a personal thing than trying to help town. I have mislynched flower a couple times. she is one to let things like that go. feels forced and uncharacteristic of her.
Flowa is a good girl .

I think Usopp def could be looked into, because he was the main doubter for the FLowa 1.0 lynch. I'd prefer an Invest hitting him up but if we have to lynch Usopp it won't be the biggest deal. Just losing an active and pressuring townie in a game where that's a scarcity.

Midnight seems fine to me, but I think the rest are pretty good. Jew leans scum only because of his insistence I am scum and his hardcore tunneling.


What could have been...
although i dont think im suspecious at all this game

i particularly dont see anything wrong with a mislynch or 2

i already outlined my reasons for lynching flower over luthon toward the end of the day and she never properly defended hersel

i was hesitant to lynch her mid day but then like i said it got much worse by the end


What could have been...
Flowa is a good girl .

I think Usopp def could be looked into, because he was the main doubter for the FLowa 1.0 lynch. I'd prefer an Invest hitting him up but if we have to lynch Usopp it won't be the biggest deal. Just losing an active and pressuring townie in a game where that's a scarcity.

Midnight seems fine to me, but I think the rest are pretty good. Jew leans scum only because of his insistence I am scum and his hardcore tunneling.
main doubter? breh

i put the gas in that mfker and fuji lighted the flame lol

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Jdb is so confident with his pushes, so active and aggressive . that isnt scum jdb. More defensive , more tame and goes with the flow.
jdb at some points in this game is also trying to town lead.
You read me like a God damn book, dude :christindeed::cheers:
I feel like we should lynch Tris just off of Luthon's information though. If she flips scum, Luthon is legit. Did anyone vouch for Tris?
Not that I’ve seen; she messaged Tobs and myself, I haven’t seen anything come from it yet.
before I forget

pica size comparison .

His scaled height in golem form is noted to be 1500 m to 1700 m.
The recognised threshold for when a hill becomes a mountain is 609.6m

luffy in g3rd could barely take off part of his head.

with feats
zoro's dc >>>>>>>> luffy , luffy can prob match that with g4 but zoro still hasnt used ashura yet.
only character with comparable feats is likely garp
Garp crushed mountains before taking on chinjao.

DR zoro might actually already be admiral level
on par with prime garp in terms of dc at least.


What could have been...
this is from day 1. flower defense was just poor to those cases so i had to lock that sht in

i tried to coast but ultimately failed to do it lmao

town flower usually claims early instead of when pincered like that

i tried to give u benefit of doubt flower but u accumulated way too many red flags
@Flower here is my case on ya, try to convince me to keep u alive

> you are not pressuring me or anything, not even rule of archenemies. soft signs of tmi on me
> faking confidence wanting ppl to push and vote you, but at the same time really scared of being voted
> did not question robin's defense to urself. never wondered what if robin has tmi?
> day extended when u were leading wagon
> fuji was forced to remove his vote off u when u were leading too
> thread went quiet after luthon started leading
> thread back to active when u r leading again
> you claim luthon wagon derailed to u, yet wanna vote fuji/queen instead

u got couple mins. pls convince me and town


What could have been...
if i town read you-youre scum
if i scum read you-youre town

Anyways, didn't you say you think Luthon might be town though? Why the change of mind
he still could be, i like him better than tris

im fine with literally any other important wagon cuz its kinda lame we tunnel on the same 3 ppl every day

beta/tpein/robin/kiwi/tris are practically not tested yet. let alone the other complete inactives

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Messaging abilities are NAI. Fuji also got a message last day phase too right?

What are the chances both are town
Well, I don’t mean to cling to my theory from early yesterday, but absent any harder evidence, I think Fuji would be town based on his terms of his behavior, you can draw your own conclusion from that. Tris kinda still confuses me; I wanna believe she’s town, and she’s been very upfront about the conditions of her ability and those she uses it on, but there’s a needling little hesitation in the back of my head that speaks in what I assume TAC’s voice sounds like, making me wonder if she’s playing us. I was scum with her in the last game, and we ended up winning despite me being virtually confirmed mafia since D2...she IS capable of great things while playing the bad guy, that’s all I can say for sure.
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