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Zoro Worshipper
I don't think there's a user who demands essays

I think it was odd's joke to break the ice, that came across weird
I'm asking because he carried it on for too long in my opinion.

That's 42 and this is going to be difficult for me to keep track of, especially at the pace this game is going. I'd like for people to tag me
Here for example.


Love is a painful illusion
Well, he's had too few posts for me to form any read on him. Will have to look into him when he comes back on.

Yes, there was a reason and I need to do it for my passive lol.

What about pictures I want to upload from my device?
Go to

Click upload, then choose photo library, click upload and then copy the pic.

The process after that is the same.

You copy the link and post.
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