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welp, if you gonna ISO him, you should know he can't be mafia and he could not have been converted before n2
Does he really, though? Or doesn‘t his claim not matching Rayan‘s result actually hint that he was transported that night? I don‘t think Rayan made this up and why should Mafia use 2 Invests on the same target?
tobi was supposed to get the same result rayan did tho... but he said his ability failed just like it was supposed to, but looks robin and rayan abilities didn't fail, but tobi can't be lying because he couldn't have known that his ability was supposed to fail and he could have just said his investigation results to earn town points :wonderland:
Does he really, though? Or doesn‘t his claim not matching Rayan‘s result actually hint that he was transported that night? I don‘t think Rayan made this up and why should Mafia use 2 Invests on the same target?
Robin only watched me, rayan and tobi visiting jew
I'll practice what I preach and do the same

N1 - Watch on FinalBeta, no results
N2 - Watch on Go D Usopp, Trolling Spree (kill) and I wank Cheerleader (busdrive) were used.
D3 - Superkill on Go D Usopp, kill successful. Usopp is death miller
N3 - Regular kill on Natalija, kill successful. Natalija is mafia
I thought we‘ve already established that he couldn‘t have used it N2 unless he transported Usopp with Odd which would have led to Usopp killing himself. Sera must have used it N1...
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