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Argonauts, roll out!
rhea or rayan are dragomir
they both claimed they investigated jew on n1
but now we know that drago can investigate people
and there is too many investigative townies
lanji 1.0, flower 1.0, rhea 1.0, juliet, robin, mango...
I'm not technically a investigator, it's more like a side effect.
I dunno why I suddenly know the ability names, when I'm originally only supposed to know the effect that someone has got on them


Zoro Worshipper
Do you not have any actives?
I'm pretty sure you haven't claimed a single action all game?

Looks like it.
Yeah I have. In due time I will reveal my character and abilities. I hope scum shall not kill me off earlier. And I'm more inclined to suggest that LANJI was purposefully fishing last day. He was too persistent in my opinion, and he even preemptively assumed I has no day abilities for some mysterious reason.

I wonder why Midnight is speculating about the numbers of scums so insistently speaking of that, is there any role capable to acknowledge them or is he making it up?
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