Broadcast Message:
Announcer-Sama is here for your special 12 hour mark broadcast. The majestic hosts and yours truly are understandably sour at the lack of activity. To boost our ratings, we’re going to offer one of our listeners the opportunity to join us on air!
You may be thinking, Announcer-Sama I want to be famous, how do I sign up? It’s simple! Quote our message, list your favorite color, waifu and least favorite Yugioh character. Our secretaries will decide the winner within the day!
1. @Fujishiro
2. @T-Pein™
3. @Finalbeta
4. @Sors Bandeam
5. @Sallucion
6. @Jew D. Boy
7. @Go D. Usopp ™
8. @Marimo_420
9. @Natalija
10. @~UwU~
11. @solis
12. @Robin
13. @LuthonTheDragDown
14. @Lindltaylor
15. @MangoSenpai
16. @Gambit
17. @Light D Lamperouge
18. @Rej
19. @Juliet
20. @RippedCal
21. @Emperor Joelinton
22. @Lord Genome
23. @Midnight Delight
24. @Grammaton
1. @Fujishiro
2. @T-Pein™
3. @Finalbeta
4. @Sors Bandeam
5. @Sallucion
6. @Jew D. Boy
7. @Go D. Usopp ™
8. @Marimo_420
9. @Natalija
10. @~UwU~
11. @solis
12. @Robin
13. @LuthonTheDragDown
14. @Lindltaylor
15. @MangoSenpai
16. @Gambit
17. @Light D Lamperouge
18. @Rej
19. @Juliet
20. @RippedCal
21. @Emperor Joelinton
22. @Lord Genome
23. @Midnight Delight
24. @Grammaton
fav color: red/black
fav waifu: perona/vivi/tenten/aeolian/winry cant decide man
least fav yugioh character: yugi moto
doubt this will make a difference. seems too wacky
eitherway this announcer ningen probably doesn't have min post count so he's someone that wont post on the thread