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That's generous tbh. Got to hand it to insomnia though - able to not OMGUS
So you think insomnia was distancing from Lind in the chat?

Let's just say Lanji, Lind and Insomnia were buddies. Wouldn't it be better to have any of them call the other scum, then? Why defend each other like this?
you seem to be always not so sure about other players alignment, maybe it's because of your exams idk, but do you have anyone rn who you can be somewhat sure are town/scum?
you can never be sure of anything, especially when you don't know people

i think sky / flower / destroyer / hayumi / ena / ryu are all varying degrees of townie, not in order or anything, i've only iso'd the people in my chat and these were the town leans i had
So you think insomnia was distancing from Lind in the chat?

Let's just say Lanji, Lind and Insomnia were buddies. Wouldn't it be better to have any of them call the other scum, then? Why defend each other like this?
Not distancing per se. The read was "don't lynch, I think they're town, but don't hold me to that, I could be wrong". That's the read you give to a scum mate that you don't expect to die early.
Not distancing per se. The read was "don't lynch, I think they're town, but don't hold me to that, I could be wrong". That's the read you give to a scum mate that you don't expect to die early.
Or a Townie leaving room for different possibilities.

Is there anything aside from that striking you as scummy?
you can never be sure of anything, especially when you don't know people

i think sky / flower / destroyer / hayumi / ena / ryu are all varying degrees of townie, not in order or anything, i've only iso'd the people in my chat and these were the town leans i had
I am curious to know the reason you added Ena and ryu there :memehm:


What could have been...
what do you think of Gambit and Krogo?
null on gambit, slight scum on krog. his early day 1 is different from his usual fluffing self

I accused Lind as I already did in the thread last DP. Said his Xadlin vote looked like he didn't care who got lynched.

Then I made a case and all. Meanwhile you had Destoryer and MDL randomly saying they wanted me gone. Destoryer pointed to some posts of mine. His general accusation was that he couldn't pin point what intentions I had writing them, but that I was having some.

MDL didn't even give a reason.
u and lind cannot be same faction then, but we dont know how many scum factions r in this game, maybe 2 maybe 4

like 4 mafia factions of 2 members each hm

is mdl monky d luffy? ive never played with them b4 so idk how they roll, but u clearly chose to push destroyer over them so u have reason for that?
what do you think of Gambit and knightofthesea ?
Gambit has six posts and has offered very few thoughts, I can't say much.

Knight seemed to say "Lanji is bad, but I won't vote him" until the wagon gathered steam and it would look worse to be off it. Oddly image conscious there. Has Flower as sus which I don't agree with. Seems to be post padding a lot. I'm not a fan.
I am curious to know the reason you added Ena and ryu there
thin reasons

i liked ena's push on lanji and overall posting seems like they fit a lurker town archetype

as for ryu, i thought him spurting out reads in each post was townie, i don't think that's how scum play it out, there's nothing to build from / build "villageriness", hope that makes sense

i had to force a bit since there were many low posters in my chat


What could have been...
actually we have 3 night kills

so likely 2 mafia factions and 1 SK/vig

or 1 mafia faction and 1 SK, 1 vig

eitherway the 4 mafia theory might be off the table for now, and im hard leaning at their being 2 factions
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