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Ghost Princess
Vote Count

Ekkologix - Catyberry
TheAncientCenturion - Reborn > Catyberry
Fujishiro - Reborn > Catyberry
Missy - Ekkologix
Lindltaylor - Midnight Delight > Catyberry
Ena - TheAncientCenturion > Reborn > Catyberry

Catyberry – 5
Ekkologix– 1

Catyberry will be night lynched.​


Magic Knights Star Awards Festival

It is time for the Magic Knights Star Festival! Each Magic Knight Squad will be ranked accordingly to their Merit Stars count, with the exception of the Fruit Squad, for they joined the others only recently.
#1. In first place is the Golden Dawn with a thundering number of 84 Merit Stars!

#2. In second place are the Crimson Lion Kings with a respectable 50 Merit Stars!

#3. In third place are the Silver Eagles with 29 Merit Stars!

#4. In fourth place are the Blue Rose Knights with 28 Merit Stars!

#5. Last and definitely least are the Black Bulls with a measly 14 Merit Stars!

These are your Squad rankings for Day 2!



Ghost Princess
@Catyberry [Akai2] has been lynched! Her role was:

You are Akai2!

[Passive - Bootleg Akai] - Akai2 is not the real Akai, he's Akai the second or also known as...the bootleg version. Thus, when trying to tag him, people often end up tagging Akai instead of Akai2. Akai2 will dodge the first harmful action directed at him in the game and learn the name of the player who visited him. However, this will not be applied to kills.

[Active - Perona's OnlyFans] - Akai2 is the only person on WG with the link to Perona's OnlyFans and everyone else wants to have that link. During the day phase, he may write an anonymous message to the host telling players that about the OnlyFans link. The host will post this as a write-up asking who wants the link. This link costs 2,000 Yul. The first player to respond in their role pm with a yes with the sufficient amount of funds will be given access. Akai will receive the money. The same player may not receive the link more than once.
--- [Bouncer Investigation] - Before just anyone can receive the link, they must be properly investigated first by the bouncer, Akai. During the following night, a quicktopic will be created for the player and Akai to chat in. They will be unable to converse in their Magic Knight Squads for this duration. This chat is to be anonymous.
--- [Only the Worthy] - After the investigation, Akai will have to make a decision. If he decides to share the link to the player then their actions for the next cycle cannot be tampered with, however, Akai will be immune to their votes and actions for the rest of the game.

[Active - WG's #1 Shitposter] - Being best known for his shitpostings and memes, Akai2 is well known in the forum for making people laugh and gets along with everyone. Thus, he can post a meme or a message to the thread via the host. At the end of the day, he will find out of all the players who gave the post a like or quoted it, as well as if there is a [Guilty] player among them. [1-shot]

[Active - Shit I'm Tired of Seeing] - During the Weeb game, Akai was tired of seeing the word "waifus" everywhere and has subsequently created a book for the list of words he's sick and tired of seeing all the time. At night, Akai may select a word to create taboo. During the next day phase, players who speak this word will have an active ability disabled for that cycle. If a player breaks the taboo word then they will be prized with double action the following night. This taboo word can't be something that's part of the basic English sentence, like "it" "that", etc.

Money - 3,000 Yul.
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town.​

@Udell [Go D. Usopp] has been killed! His role was:​

You are Go D. Usopp!
[Passive - The Five Stages of Arguing] - Usopp is a prolific arguer. Whether it be arguing with the players or arguing with the host, once he begins, he will never stop. Usopp's arguments run through five stages. This ability will activate whenever a player has voted for him.
--- [Denial] - "what? no, that can't be true. Listen." A vote on Usopp can't be right. Usopp's voters will be told by the host to remove their vote or else.
--- [Anger] - "dude, r u fken with me?!" The player still has their vote on Usopp?! Blasphemy! Usopp may choose one of his voters to role-block their action for the following night.
--- [Barganing] - "ok so what if we just did this?" After calming down, Usopp is down to make a deal. He may target one of his voters to void any negative action that was used on them in the last cycle, however, they will be vote-drained as a result. He must have already used [Anger] before using this.
--- [Depression] - "this is some bullshit man lol." Usopp is really not liking the fact that he's about to be lynched over some nonsense. During the following night, Usopp will be saddened and unable to use an action. Alongside, actions targeting him fail.
--- [Acceptance] - "ok u win this time. I'll be back tho." Usopp has finally understood the meaning of the votes on him and is willing to set the error of his ways. He may activate this ability and Usopp will be immune to the actions of his voters from a previous day for one cycle. [2-shots]

[Passive - Go Down Fighting] - Usopp never gives up! He will go down to the wire and fight against town until he is lynched or town has changed their votes. If Usopp is lynched, it will fail and a night-talk will occur where he has another 24-hours to defend himself. Town can decide to let him stay or lynch him once more for good. [1-shot] [This x-shot cannot be refilled or increased]

[Passive - Susopp] - A curse has been blasted upon Usopp that he is destined to look scummy no matter what. Votes will Usopp will remain on him even if the player has changed their vote.

[Active - sup ningens] - Usopp is always there to surprise every ningen on the block. Ain't no player hiding from him. He sees all and he hears all. During the odd nights, he may choose a player to track. Alternatively, on even nights, he may choose a player to watch.

Money - 3,000 Yul.
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town.​
@Reborn has been declared as a Public Enemy!

The trivia question for today is:
Which user follows ZDG without Goat following him back?
It is now D3.
You have 24 hours to discuss.


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