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umm Jinri wasn't voting Rhea, narrowing down Ryu's list, you are not in a great position, r u deflecting rn? we are still like 40 hours away from day end

I have been behaving myself lately mama
I should have said out of the players wanting to lynch there.

What exactly am I supposed to be deflecting from exactly? "It nOt iN a GoOd PoSiTiOn", I'm fine. I'm asking in the open why isn't there more scrutiny placed on a pool that has 50% odds of landing scum vs 25% or potentially lower. I think both should be examined I'm just not sure why Xlaw is being brushed off so easily. He has full claimed but he could be telling the exact truth and still be mafia.

Let's start with you - where are you standing right now. Put some opinions down and dont respond to me with weak shade for making an inquiry.
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