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Good luck catching up lmao

How do you forget about weebs?


On a scale from 1-10 how scum are you
I can't & won't catch-up with everything discussed lol
But i will try to focus on current discussions & iso the posts of concerned players

My role didn't use metrics, it just says Scum
So does that mean a 10?
He is busy

I can give you summary if you want
Yes, i would appreciate it
Everyone is sussing each other with arguments which are going above the head

You are welcome

*Disappears quickly into shadows*
That's my favorite kind of game, everyone is a suspect, nothing is absolutely true
Then i will choose players randomly & see what i discover from their posts

Tbh you shouldn't have tired yourself with such very detailed summary, anything less would have sufficed but thanks
I should have said out of the players wanting to lynch there.

What exactly am I supposed to be deflecting from exactly? "It nOt iN a GoOd PoSiTiOn", I'm fine. I'm asking in the open why isn't there more scrutiny placed on a pool that has 50% odds of landing scum vs 25% or potentially lower. I think both should be examined I'm just not sure why Xlaw is being brushed off so easily. He has full claimed but he could be telling the exact truth and still be mafia.

Let's start with you - where are you standing right now. Put some opinions down and dont respond to me with weak shade for making an inquiry.
looking at the people out of the voters we or at least me, I am pretty confident with a bunch of them to be town so it's more than 25%, more than 50 % actually if u look into it. on the other hand, the visitors of Nick are Zemmi and Xlaw, what are the chances their faction kill is detect immune?, probably 1 out of whatever their number is. cuz in all of the weeb games I have played there was a always a member at least who could kill people detect immune.
like usually each member has a special trait when carrying the faction kill (check dead roles), was the player who killed nick, detect immune? or was it really Xlaw? NO fucking idea, but anyway, I am not neglecting the fact that ryu provided some good info that is totally worth looking at, specially 40 fucking hours before EoD. I am not picking a lynch now, no.
so yeah in my POV u are asking people to neglect whatever ryu brought to the table just so we would be focused somewhere. guess what, we can't. Xlaw looks very bad imo but idc now I am not discussing ir further I have everything about that case on the table rn, and I ahve plenty of time to go back to it whenever it's time to lynch someone.
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