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Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“
i did to hayumi
u both asked same question
i wanna hear ur full thoughts on zem/ratchet b4 u propose someone else
Like I just told Fuji I think Zemmi is being honest here.

When it comes to Ratchy, like I said, I skimmed through his back and forth with Ultra, but I find it weird that at least 3 actions have failed on him. I suggested RCing him so he can spill the beans but no one seemed to take notice of it.

Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“
Appeal to emotion is such a cheap tactic to get people off your back imo, but I do know that sheโ€™s most likely telling the truth.

Its just that it doesnโ€™t make sense mechanically to me.
And you need to learn that there can be other things at play than what you think. Like the condition for Muugen's ability your leader pointed out earlier. This game's full of passives/conditions/whatever that some stuff could have just happened. Like that one time in Plat's game when your leader was blocked by scum and you thought that was your doing and she was scum because of it or your lie detect thing in the Shippuden game. And this game is even more massive.

Never give up!
When it comes to Ratchy, like I said, I skimmed through his back and forth with Ultra, but I find it weird that at least 3 actions have failed on him. I suggested RCing him so he can spill the beans but no one seemed to take notice of it.
It's strange that there is resistance against this Ratchet/Ultra wagon that is struggling to form.

What better options are there that others wish to concentrate on? I don't know.


What could have been...
For one, Zemmi isnโ€™t the only outed indie so Iโ€™m failing to understand the fixation on her, and wonโ€™t be placing my vote on someone who the dead tree stump GF was so fixated on cuz thatโ€™s sad af.

I ignored tf out of most Ratchet vs Ultra posts since it spanned like 100 pages so I donโ€™t particularly care. Iโ€™d rather Lynch between posters I really find more scummy. Itโ€™s coasters like them that get away because nobody wants to kill or Lynch them. And itโ€™s not even like Rheaโ€™s an inactifag, sis is just scummy.
zemmi is the only indie that was forcibly outed. and she came the last. plus shes the only one with 2 failed superkills on her. AND shes also doesnt seem to have an inherently pro town wincon. u cant compare zemmi to the other indies hayumi. all indies r not the same so u cant say why zemmi but not the others.

u wont be able to form a solid case on rhea or get people to follow you without either providing a really good tangible result on her or a reason for people to leave ratchet/ultra wagons. dropping vote on rhea and telling others to folloe alone wont do anything. it just looks like fake contibution by you because u should be fully aware this wont go anywhere without properly pushing it.

so like i said this isnt the time because until now u have not yet provided us reasons for moving from the previous wagons. the correct progression would be for u to first tell us why ratchet/ultra should not be the play the either drop a case on rhea thats very condemning (not just say shes inactive and scummy, cuz like 20 other players are too) or simply drop a really good result on her.

same goes for u @Light D Lamperouge
does that answer the question?
That's why your leader can't understand Ratchet's fixation on Ultra because of a result. Stuff like a role cop seemingly on Ratchet failing, though, yeah that's a different story.

Never fear! I AM HERE!
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