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The Weeb Mobster -

Scarface used [Intimidation] on [???]

Mahito used [Soul Multiplicity] on [???] and [???]

JiggyPuff used [???] on [???]

Blackpink activated [Endorsement]


Here are today's Champions:


@Random Asshole


@Kvothe Kingkiller

Please submit 4 rounds worth of R/P/S picks to process the whole tournament fast. 1 Round = 3 picks (Ex: S/S/P)
siggy is in this game? Where are you random asshole
Nope! It's admirable though. The way you keep doubling down, it almost makes me want to believe you. Almost.
Im not doubling down, I'm quadrupling down on the fact that you don't have anything. It can't exist. I'm as innocent as a freshly spanked baby. And if you sincerely believed I was cucking town you wouldn't behave like this.
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