"The threat is the virus, not the people."
You are Covid-19
[Passive - Patient Zero] - Before a virus ravages the world, before the deaths soar, before the outbreak triggers fear, a Virus strikes a single person. During D0, the player that is lynched will actually survive. Due to them being buried alive and lack of hygienic preparations, they will contract COVID-19 during N0 after accidentally eating a bat while passed out.
--- [Man-made Virus?] - Nature always finds a way. If a
[No-Lynch] occurs, the first 2 people to target COVID-19 will contract the virus and become the patient zeros.
[Passive - Contagious] - Due to its contagious nature, anytime a players interact with a player that has contracted the virus, they risk a chance of being infected themselves. The risks depends on how contagious a player. The hosts roll a D10. During the first phase, only 10 would infect them. During the second phase,
[9-10] would infect them. This goes on following the same pattern until the end of the . Players in the same special locations may infect each other as well.
--- [Incubation Period] - As is common with infections, there is a delay between the moment a person first becomes infected and the appearance of the first symptoms. After being infected a player develops symptoms only 3 phases later. That is when they'll learn if they are infected.
--- [Asymptomatic] - Any player that doesn't develop symptoms at the end of the incubation period remains contagious for a cycle.
--- [Second Wave] - A player that has gone through the different cycles of the infection will become immune for a cycle. Afterwards, they may be infected again and this time their incubation period will only a phase and their chances of developing symptoms are double.
[Passive - The Silent Killer] - COVID-19 doesn't appear in write-ups when performing actions.
[Passive - Novel Virus] - COVID-19 is immune to most offensive actions in the game. As no one knows much about it in the early days of the pandemic, any investigations targeting will return a no result.
--- [Live with it] - COVID is here to stay, that is until a vaccine has been developed. Even if the role dies, the effects and consequences of the virus will still remain present in the game. It may win even after death.
[Passive - Symptoms] - The symptoms period begins 3 phases after a player has been infected. An infected player runs a 25% chance of developing symptoms. Players with symptoms are 95% infectious.
--- [Comorbidity] - If a player suffers from some negative effects during the incubation period, they'll develop symptoms 100% of the time.
--- [Fever] - A player suffering from fever will be more vulnerable. Protections and defensive passive have a 30% chance of failing.
--- [Cough] - A player constantly coughing will have their actions be redirected 30% of the time.
--- [Tiredness] - A player suffering from fever will have their actions fail 30% of the time.
--- [Serious Symptoms] - If a player is role-crushed while developing the infection, they will suffer grave symptoms. Hospitalized for a 4 phases, they will be unable to perform any action. Their role will be under the control of the virus.
[Active - Both Sides] - After the discovery of the first cases, COVID-19 will be able to count on true allies to both his causes. Each phase, the virus may share a write-up to the public through the host. This is immune to any write-up investigation.
--- [COVID Party] - Twice during the game, a party may be hosted at night in defiance against the fear mongering. All alive players will be invited, and they may choose to attend or not. A hot bed for infections, attendees to these parties run a higher risk of getting infected than the usual single interactions.
Wincon - All living players must have abstained at least once by fear of catching/spreading COVID, or because of its symptoms.