Should be managing my pinched nerve but I really spent 3 weekend hours reading this instead
Ok, Beky is the most no brainer D1 lynch I've come across in my limited mafia experience so far. His "OH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE" was a dead give away. And "i wAs rEvIvInG hIm nOw bEfOrE tHe iNeViTaBlE hAPpEnS" is top 3 bullshit excuses in internet history.
Robin seems like a wholesome townie leaning girl. It'd be some 7D level chess if she's conniving. Unlike myself, who had to google investigator and inventor roles

, she has total command of game mechanics. Unless I'm just too green to recognize the con, she's safe for now. Which makes Kvo next on my sus list.
@Kvothe Kingkiller , yeah sure Robin might've been role blocked, but probability of that is extremely small as it was N0 and most hadn't received roles yet. And those who had, would've had to just randomly block Robin out of 50 players with little to no incentive or knowledge she visited you. Why shouldn't town vig you? If you flip scum it's a W. If you flip town, we have concrete reads on Robin and her girly girls.
Flower and Luthon are weird. Luthon claimed to be in Flower's DM, then ignored when I asked about it. Not even "I was joking chill bruh". Maybe that's flimsy, but only 10 or so players are regularly posting. 80% are inactive/lurking so no proper ingredients to cook up a legit case on anyone. Outside of Beky and Kvo of course.
Can't read tendencies or guess roles based on character story canon. Gotta go with concrete game information. And other than DynaMight, Kvo/Robin is the most obvious thread we gotta follow. Rest just seems like townies wagoning each other as scum are inactive laughing at us.
Midnight and Beta are low hanging fruit due to bad faith from previous games, I'm not on that wagon. Too lazy imo.
For now we gotta get Beky outta here, the most accurate read. Then follow up on Kvo/Robin.
Vote Lynch DynaMight @Dragomir @novaselinenever