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I mean, you're not really putting any pressure on me, and what can I say? It's not like I know anything anyway :P
I think voting is pressure enough. But this is really something i´m just doing because i don´t really have someone better to truly vote.
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@Mr Strawberry

Why are you being so frenetic, relax buddy
I will likely relax as the game progress.

Right now it´s just fun to play my first game and i guess i´m just doing via that.
Because i´m not always right
Here is what i think.
I don't think you are rookie in mafia. I think you have a clean grasp on the game and understand whats going on. Either you are a rookie prodigy that doesn't crack or you are seasoned player

Now, you play ignorance cause no one knows you here and it makes you pass under radar which you know yourself
What do you think of the idea of a inactive potentially staying under radar?
You don't really ask these type of questions if you are new
It's just that spam is detrimental to this game.

You are helping Mafia by spamming too much.
Don´t really belive i´m spamming though. I could slown down a bit though if you guys find my constant posting annoying though. :neesama:
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Here is what i think.
I don't think you are rookie in mafia. I think you have a clean grasp on the game and understand whats going on. Either you are a rookie prodigy that doesn't crack or you are seasoned player

Now, you play ignorance cause no one knows you here and it makes you pass under radar which you know yourself

You don't really ask these type of questions if you are new
Well you are free to think what you want. I play my way and you play yours. :cheers:


Vote Count -

Go D. Usopp – Flower > Dragomir
Zem – Krogothwolf
Al Sama – Flower > Lindltaylor
Flower – Rej
Lindltaylor – Al Sama
Jinri – SinofGod
Naomi – Noctis > *
Ratchet – No Lynch
Luthon – Lanji > *
Lanji – Al Sama
Noctis – Kiwipom > *
Rej – Odd > *
Finalbeta – Ratchet
Dynamight – Odd
Tobi – Dragomir
Yo Tan Wa – Rej
Cinera – Alibaba
Natalija – Midnight Delight
Reborn – Luthon
Kiwipom – Luthon > *

Total -

Al Sama / Dragomir / Rej – 2
No Lynch / Alibaba / Ratchet / Odd / Krogothwolf / SinofGod / Lindltaylor / Midnight Delight / Luthon – 1

Note - Vote counts do not necessarily reflect the actual votes values.

Yo! Please whenever you are voting make sure to tag Nova and me. Both of us, not just one. It will help us keep better track of these votes, especially later in the game as things pick up in pace. Thank you!​
Who's SinOfGod?
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