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Anyone else wanna accuse Mr. Strawberry because he’s “too good to be new” will have to fight me

If the guy says he’s new then he’s new, leave him alone. He’s being pretty helpful which I think is refreshing

also where’s my guy @Go D. Usopp ™ ? Thread is kinda dry we need to get the party started :finally::finally:
Yeah but i agree i could perhaps slow down a bit but there is nothing wrong with being helpful in a game like this.


Ghost Princess
As per your logic, If a someone says he is town then he is town so we should leave him alone too right?

This is how it doesn't work.

Putting pressure gives reactions which is really necessary.
That’s two different stories bro. The point of mafia is for scum to pretend they’re town. So ofc I won’t townread someone cuz they said they’re town.

But when we’re tryna accuse someone of lying about it being their first that’s not even the point of the game? That’s accusing the player to be a liar on a personal basis

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