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What could have been...
It's Rayan, he has two roles, his original and N'zoth as additional.... not that I expect you guys to change any lynch but keeping him alive won't do me any good.
N'Zoth iiyoq raz'tal'vsak! IIYOQ NEL'OTHK AR'AFGH!

- Activate Servant
Lara Croft / Dazai Osamu

@novaselinenever @Dragomir
this is just so funny how desperate noctis is to make us lynch sm1 else and suddenly the other guy slips ancient god ningen stuff ahahhaah


Vote Count -

Light D Lamperouge – Noctis
Flower – Noctis
UwU – Noctis
Fujishiro – Noctis
Go D. Usopp – Noctis
Juliet – Noctis
LuthonTheDragDown – Noctis
Krogothwolf – Noctis
Kiwipom – Noctis
Missy – Noctis
Seraphoenix – Noctis
Tris – Noctis
Naomi – Noctis
Smileyman – Noctis
Random Asshole – Noctis
Zem – Noctis
Noctis – Rayan

Noctis – 16
Rayan – 1

Votes and night actions are locked. Night 4 is over. Do not post.​
The Public Enemy No. 2 -
Not as infamous as the recently deceased Lara, this Weeb's name had nonetheless resonated around the Island these past couple of days. He had made a name for himself after the gruesome murder of one of Weeb Elders at dawn in public and had been on the run recently, his wanted poster plastered everywhere in town. It wasn't until an anonymous tip was received by the Weeb Bureau of Investigation that the hunt for him started to pick up. A special team tasked with his capture found him shortly afterward and had the book thrown at him.

This weeb had absolutely no morals, anything to survive. Taking advantage of fears against Lara Croft, he turned informant and provided further information about Lara that helped in her capture. All so that he could survive. Relieved to have finally caught the Bogeywoman, the Weeb authorities granted him a little bit of leniency temporarily. He was even seen at the public square when Lara Croft was executed, wearing an ankle bracelet and chanting alongside the crowd. He couldn't help himself that evening and murdered another person thinking that he was sneaky enough as the Weeb wouldn't be able to get him for it immediately. Unbeknownst to him, a night watch was around that night and he was caught red-handed. Sentenced to be executed immediately, he again started to plea with the Weebs. Claiming to have information about a secret organization that was far more dangerous than him, an evil that was hiding in plain sight amongst the Weebs. That didn't work on them, the "No Half Measures" motto was alive and well, the Weebs didn't negotiate with terrorists. He started taking his clothes off and dancing naked in the public square for them to spare him, but his time had come.

@Noctis [Kozuki Oden] has been lynched.​

"I am Oden! And I was born to boil"
You are Oden!

[Passive - Hardboiled] - Oden is immune to poisoning and any kind of debuffs.

[Passive - Strong Will] - Oden is an extremely brash, confident, and self-willed man. His vote and actions are immune to any kind of manipulations.
--- [Haoshoku Haki] - Oden possesses the ability to use the conqueror's Haki, a very rare type of Haki whose users are said to have the qualities of a king. Any clash he is part of releases a shockwave that can knockdown nearby players. Any time Oden performs an action, he has a 25% chance of role-blocking the players adjacent to his target due to the shockwave his actions emit.

[Passive - Retainers] - Oden is an extremely charming man with people becoming devoted to him after witnessing his actions. Any player that performs 2 positive actions on Oden in the game will become his retainer. Oden's retainers are loyal to him until the end, he is immune to their votes and actions permanently.

[Passive - Voice of All Things] - Oden possess the very rare ability to hear the [Voice of All Things], a unique power that only a few people in the world can manifest. He is able to hear words conveyed by inanimate objects and animals that do not speak the human language. At the end of each cycle, he will learn the identity of any [???] appearing in write-ups.

[Active - Philologist] - As a descendant of the Kozuki Family, Oden inherited from his ancestors the knowledge and skill to read Poneglyphs and write its ancient language, the write-up language. Each phase, Oden may create a write-up and have the host post it.

[Active - Oden Nitoryu] - Oden's swordsmanship style is based on powerful attacks with two swords, placing a particular emphasis on advanced Ryuo, one's spiritual energy.
--- [Togen Shirataki] - Oden hardens both his swords using Ryuo and then delivers a diagonal slash with each one of them at the same time. Each cycle, he may target a player and destroy one of their abilities permanently. Due to the range of this attack, it has a 50% chance of affecting the players adjacent to his target. If Oden performs the faction kill, and fails to kill their target, he will damage half their abilities disabling them for two cycles.
--- [Gun Modoki] - After hardening his swords using Ryuo, Oden crosses his swords and charges forward, slicing anyone in his path. During the day, Oden may position himself in the sign up thread and face a direction. For the next 4 phases, he will destroy any destroy any defensive passive his 4 targets have. Each day, he may cancel this ability and reposition himself to a new position.
--- [Togen Totsuka] - His ultimate ability, Oden hardens his swords using Ryuo, then leaps toward his opponent, and performs an X-shaped slash capable of going through anything. D2 or after, Oden may target a player and super-kill them.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to The Guardians Mafia.


The Miracle -

The weeb to die this night around was an oldhead. A veteran on Weeb Island. Even at age 75, he was still a hunk of a man, standing tall at 6'5 and retaining muscles that could pass for a bodybuilder, he wasn't out of his prime yet. But even old Joseph Joestar couldn't escape this tragic night. It all went back to the previous night when he was unlucky enough to have witnessed a crime. One he shouldn't have seen. Mr. Joestar was walking down the park road several hours past midnight. Unable to sleep, he decided to go out for a walk. It was then he learned loud horrent screaming coming from a nearby building. As he stepped closer, he discovered a group of masked criminals attacking a defenseless weeb. Witnessing such horror, Joseph could only do one thing. "OH MY GOD!!!"

He thought about going to the WBI, but he knew that snitches get stitches around these parts. He had to take matters into his own hands. Joseph was unable to go outside his house for fear of what was coming to him. He knew he was dead meat as he was immediately spotted from his screaming. He was able to escape by the skin of his teeth but he knew that the Mafia would always get their kill no matter what, unless it was the Luardians. A wannabe super-villain group that had taken Ls no man should ever take. That was his ultimate downfall unfortunately, he had only kept tabs on the activities of the Beautiful Boys in order to avoid them which drove him straight to the Luardians. A Miracle!

The Beautiful Boys attempted to kill [???] but failed.

The Guardians have killed @~UwU~ [Joseph Joestar]

"Well if I'm gonna be waiting around for 30 minutes, I've got nothing better to do. Best place to wait is right in front of Lisa Lisa's door. And if my eye just happens to wander near the keyhole...Niiiiice!"
You are Joseph Joestar!
[Passive - All The Smoke] - Joseph is an absolute hothead. He has zero qualms getting violent against even police officers at the slightest provocation. As such, at all times during the game, you must be aggressive. If someone votes or suspects you then you cannot ignore them. You must reply back and huff and puff in anger.

[Passive - Thinking 5 Steps Ahead] - As a brilliant mastermind, Joseph is never surprised in battle. Perfectly capable of predicting his opponent's next move, he wins every battle through sheer wit. As such, Joseph has laid a multitude of traps throughout the game.
--- [Grenades] - Joseph is a British-American, born in London but living in the states. He knows full well that people here love burgers, especially one from Burger King. There are three grenades in the Burger King location. The first three players to visit that location will have different things happen to them depending on the order. Joseph will learn the names of those who activate his grenades.
  • 1st Grenade: the first player to visit Burger King will be hit by this grenade. As a result, their first action of that cycle will be permanently destroyed for the game.
  • 2nd Grenade: the second player to visit Burger King will stumble upon this grenade. That player's vote will be silenced for one cycle.
  • 3rd Grenade: last but not least, the last grenade. No harm will happen to this player instead, Joseph will learn two active abilities that they possess.
--- [Strings of War] - Joseph may target a player of his choice to intricately set up a trap of strings, that is juiced up with the ripple, around them. The first player to visit them will be entangled into the ripple strings and subsequently have their passive abilities disabled for 1 cycle. Their action will also fail.

[Active - Your Next Line is Going to Be...] - Joseph's feat of perfectly guessing what someone will say next is some absolute remarkable stuff. During the night phase, he may activate this ability to guess what the lynch of the next day is going to be. If he guesses right, then he will receive the true voting tally at EoD. [4-shots]

[Active - Joestar Family Secret Technique!] - Joseph is the creator of the Joestar Family Secret Technique. Just how powerful is this technique you ask? It's utterly foolproof! Works every time! The secret is to away from all your dangers! Joseph may bring out the secret technique once per cycle and all negative actions that come his way will be dodged. [3-shots]

[Active - Talented Hamon User] - Joseph was born with a rare talent in Hamon, likely inherited from his grandfather: Jonathan Joestar. As a natural-born destroyer, everything he touches will be upgraded to the next level. If he targets a player performing a role-block, it will be upgraded to a role-crush. Regular kills to super-kills. Regular protects to super-protects. Role-crush to a regular kill.

Old Joseph

As the game progresses, Joseph will age, going from his boisterous teenage self to a super buff old man. At some point in the game, you will trigger into your Stardust Crusaders form and gain brand new abilities. All of them are hidden at the start of the game.

[Active - Hermit Purple] - Joseph has unlocked his stand, Hermit Purple! It allows him to see into the secret depths of his enemies. During the day phase, Joseph may target a write-up of his choice to learn of one [???] of his choice.
--- [Oh My God!!!] - Joseph may choose to scream OH MY GOD!!! in every single post for the remainder of the day phase. At the end of it, he will learn about all the [???]'s.
--- [Image of the Future] - Hermit Purple grants Joseph the capability of seeing the future. It's how he always knows what his opponent will say next. Joseph may see into the future using Hermit Purple and subsequently be warned of any incoming danger. Each cycle, he may target a player and warn them of any incoming danger, they will evade the next harmful action targeting him that phase.

[Active - Holy Shit!!!] - During the day phase, Joseph may express his anger at the sudden death of a specific townie by shouting HOLY SHIT!!! in each post for one full day. These can take one of the two effects. At the end of the phase, he will receive the exact results of the killer of that chosen player or he may learn the full role of a [Cleaned] role. He can only pick one.

[Active - Son of a bitch!] - Joseph has quite the foul mouth, not hesitating to call someone else a son of a bitch if he feels like it. During the night phase, he may target a player that he'll have to tag in every post and call them a son of a bitch(something like @xyz son of a bitch would work. No need to flat out say "you are a sob"). If he completes this by the end of the phase, he will receive [Innocent] or [Guilty] results on them. These results WILL NOT be tampered with.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town.​

Day 5 begins.
You have 29 hours to decide on a lynch.

Note - Day Ends at 2 p.m EST on Friday.

"FAIRY GODPARENTS!" everywhere. Disney is full of them. I heard it being whispered.... What you ask? What did i hear them whisper? They whispered "ROBOTS ARE EVIL!" and i tend to agree.
So i jumped behind the ride and guess what? Eureka! I've captured a leprechaun! Wait, maybe I should have say something more Irish. Shiver me timbers!
"Fairy godparents exist.. Yes they do!" even if this was one!
Then many many children showed up and "No! I can't be locked in a room with children! I'm not a people person! I'm barely a person!"
On my way back my van broke down and i was forced to walk "Stupid two bit room! Stupid two bit van! Stupid two bit life!"
Then i saw my neighbours child chasing fairies... altho i couldnt see them but i knew since I taught him everything he knows!
Now if someone can just deal with all these criminals maybe the fairies will come back.


When were you under the impression this game is..
"FAIRY GODPARENTS!" everywhere. Disney is full of them. I heard it being whispered.... What you ask? What did i hear them whisper? They whispered "ROBOTS ARE EVIL!" and i tend to agree.
So i jumped behind the ride and guess what? Eureka! I've captured a leprechaun! Wait, maybe I should have say something more Irish. Shiver me timbers!
"Fairy godparents exist.. Yes they do!" even if this was one!
Then many many children showed up and "No! I can't be locked in a room with children! I'm not a people person! I'm barely a person!"
On my way back my van broke down and i was forced to walk "Stupid two bit room! Stupid two bit van! Stupid two bit life!"
Then i saw my neighbours child chasing fairies... altho i couldnt see them but i knew since I taught him everything he knows!
Now if someone can just deal with all these criminals maybe the fairies will come back.
If fairy godparents existed then how come i dont have any? Sounds like fake news tbh.
"FAIRY GODPARENTS!" everywhere. Disney is full of them. I heard it being whispered.... What you ask? What did i hear them whisper? They whispered "ROBOTS ARE EVIL!" and i tend to agree.
So i jumped behind the ride and guess what? Eureka! I've captured a leprechaun! Wait, maybe I should have say something more Irish. Shiver me timbers!
"Fairy godparents exist.. Yes they do!" even if this was one!
Then many many children showed up and "No! I can't be locked in a room with children! I'm not a people person! I'm barely a person!"
On my way back my van broke down and i was forced to walk "Stupid two bit room! Stupid two bit van! Stupid two bit life!"
Then i saw my neighbours child chasing fairies... altho i couldnt see them but i knew since I taught him everything he knows!
Now if someone can just deal with all these criminals maybe the fairies will come back.
omg!!! that's like so dumb HAHAHAHA fairies don't exist HAHAHAHA
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