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I dont understand what was his angle with that play.

Is he not confident of his play to survive in the game, that he had to use Indie angle?
Or is he too confident and wanted to challenge himself with this play.
Yeah that's a huge spotlight on yourself. even on NF, people don't take indie claims as serious so I didn't get the play either especially when you're investigated as town and is immune to lie detection.

Quite a shame

purple mafia team was essentially crippled after that and Alibaba's modkill.
@novaselinenever what would have the new set of abilities been that I would have gotten from Namanari?
You'd have lost Noya's and Mahuri's related abilities after becoming a demon. Scan as Guilty, and an ability to position yourself somewhere on the player list and blocking peeps around you. You'd gain a kill after consuming your talismans.
Yeah that mistake was bound to happen, I wasn't really planning for anyone to hold the death note lol
Kumamon holding one would have been hilarious to see.


Kumamon holding one would have been hilarious to
That bear was evil as hell.

I think i went far with blaming Purple Team.

But given Townie numbers, that should have been avoided. That basically took away any chances of scum victory.

Even as scums, There should be honor.

Never forget our real Enemy is Town
Everyone is your enemy if they are your enemy regardless of their faction


There's no "Tina!"
@Lindltaylor @Typo Anyway, it was good to see you both again in game
I was always a Controller with Superkills with the potential to scan guilty. In all three Weeb games.
Seeing both of you play again reminded me of the previous games we played years ago. You guys are still so great at this! .

Honestly glad I signed up for this game. Had a lot of fun with so many players here! Hoping to play with all of you some more in the future.
@Lindltaylor @Typo Anyway, it was good to see you both again in game
I would rephrase what Lindl said again but I am lazy so
Seeing both of you play again reminded me of the previous games we played years ago. You guys are still so great at this! .

Honestly glad I signed up for this game. Had a lot of fun with so many players here! Hoping to play with all of you some more in the future.


There's no "Tina!"
Nat doesn't talk much lol. Shoulda killed your GF for that.
Our poor GF was fighting 2 battles - one in the game thread and the other in the PM vs Novas

He ultimately lost both :pepemy:

I think i went far with blaming Purple Team.

But given Townie numbers, that should have been avoided. That basically took away any chances of scum victory.

Even as scums, There should be honor.

Never forget our real Enemy is Town
You subbed in when we were in the mud already lol, but thanks for your support Yo tan!

Honestly Lara was the role that helped us the most. Stealing abilities from the dead was a blessing.


And I got reminded how scary you can be.

We need to be scum together one day. We would crush Town.
Of course we would :cheers:
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