It's clear as day why the majority of the thread seems to completely against this idea. It is the fear of what could be

All I'll say is that if the above scenario happens the probability of the stronger SHs being able to hurt Kaido is very high so y'all better prepare urselves lol
On the topic of the thread though, I think there is a very high probability of it happening and my reasons for this are:
- For one most of the SHs are still fresh, only one that seems to have exhausted herself quite a bit is Robin, but after a bit of rest she should be fine and she's support for the most part so she doesn't necessarily have to exhaust herself that much against Kaido, tho it'd be interesting to see her Demon face off against him :p
- Wano Anime has had a lot of spoilers and in it there's a scene where the SHs all face off against Kaido (and Linlin iirc)
- Franky is still yet to reveal his so called "anti-kaido" weapon so that has to come into effect at some point in the arc and I can't think of a better scenario for it than the SHs v Kaido
All that said, I still expect Luffy to 1 v 1 Kaido in the end so this could very well be a Oars Jr type situation where the SHs fight Kaido and then Luffy arrives to take over from them ^^