The only thing the sword has been stated to do is use too much of the users energy.
Are you saying the sword has ANOTHER effect that you somehow know but the rest of us missed
You misses that it makes your strikes stronger.
I dont try to explain how it works. I give you my arguments about why it's a powerUp in himself.
I dont care about how it works. A lot of things with Haki aren't clear I guess. Especially when it comes to CoA with swords. Everything I could say will be a theory.
What I know is the staging with Enma doesn't let any doubt about him being a training tool or a powerup in himself.
I just use shonen codes. Codes that Oda has always use and continue to use. If you can prove Enma is the exception in all shonen or they have others exceptions you are welcome.
Just to go further :
-Why Enma is so different of Shusui or Sandai ? I mean he needed to be use to those swords right ? Thats mean they are also training tool ?
-Have you ever seen a training tool more hyped than the actual training ?
They have two panel of zoro getting used to Enma and at least 10x more just to hype Emma. Moreover those two panels are focused to talk about an other future PowerUp.
Just compare to every training SH did get thats nothing for a training who is here to fight a Younko and his crew in a War.
Or compare it to Seastone cuffs Luffy gets they didn't get such staging but they are also training tool ?
I cant give more arguments like those one. Believe me the list is way too long.
He cut the punk hazard dragon with shusui
It was Wado. Zoro dont use Shusui in his mouth.
The only feat Enma has is cutting kaido. Yet Ame no Habakiri has it too. So its very obvious that Oden did not lose his strength just because he used another sword. Why are you saying Zoro would lose his strength if Oden didn't?
Feats depends of the user. You dont understand.
Does every Zoro's sword are equal in Power ?
No but when he use them at the same time. The strike is more powerful.
I dont understand your example he use Ame and Enma so how do you know he didnt lose any power ?
So please stop your headcannons.
Zoros AP increased from cutting the tree to cutting the cliff because of his own haki that enma forcefully used. Its not like enma itself boosted his AP in any way, shape or form.
If it was just CoA none of SH will have notice it.