Was Wano one of the worst arcs in One Piece? How do you rate wano?

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Deleted member 33823

Can someone explain to me what happens this chapter? I’m so uninterested in the story right now that I don’t even feel like going to check the spoiler thread lol
Wano is over, Yamato stays, Luffy says bye to Momo and tells him that he,Yamato and Kinemon can join whenever, Wano is under Luffy's protection, Luffy leaves, Hiyori is teaching anti Kurozumi propoganda.


I will never forgive Oda
Can someone explain to me what happens this chapter? I’m so uninterested in the story right now that I don’t even feel like going to check the spoiler thread lol
Hiyori decided to endorse the public immolation of already hounded minorities and innocents who carry "the wrong" kind of blood in their veins
dang TAC forcing rules for once. I am proud of you.
You'd be surprised, turns out I'm the second most frequent banner from the staff. Kinda shocked at that one.
how is this any different from the wg thinking ace was meant to die
facepalming so hard rn.
Yeah the Kurozumi shit is terrible

I’m glad Oda didn’t mix Tama up with it and make her their savior (that would’ve been worse imo) but this isn’t good either

A small part of their clan made a mistake and now any descendants they have will continue to be slaughtered/singled out for their clans past

It just doesn’t feel like One Piece
This is the last chapter before the month break or the first chapter after the break?

This is important because if it's the first it means that One piece only has up to go.
If the latter it means that we're fucked...


Talent is something you make bloom.
how is this any different from the wg thinking ace was meant to die
facepalming so hard rn.
I've said something many chapters ago and, now that Wano is over, I guess I was spot on.
"Wano" is completely "separate" from the rest of the story.
The themes that Wano tries to explore and how Oda develops them go in complete opposite directions with other things established in the story.
"Wano" feels like Oda's little "break" from One Piece and trying to write something "different".
It stops being "One Piece" and starts becoming "Oda's own Japan wank fiesta" for better or worse.
The "Kurozumi" thing is just a straw in a sea of contradictions.
Don't forget Whitebeard going "nah, Oden's already dead. can't do anything about that now. Won't go after Kaido".
Remember when Arlong's futuresight sister couldn't tell how long in the future shit would happen, and then, in Wano, a child version of her said that Poseidon would be born in 10 years exactly? LMAO.

A person telling me they like "Wano" as a standalone arc is perfectly fine. But if they say that they like Wano as a "One Piece arc", now that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, ngl.
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